Most of the time, my time, Im pretty upbeat. Even keel. Balanced. - TopicsExpress


Most of the time, my time, Im pretty upbeat. Even keel. Balanced. But, then... Once in a while... A whole slew of sad, and distressing events befall my previously, perfectly preserved, persona... Pickled, in the vinegar, of lifes acceptance of what was... What is... And, what shall be... Reevaluating. Rethinking. Rerouting. But... You cant let little things like, your wife thinking you work for the KGB,(are they even around, anymore?).... And the person I love, and trust... More than I trust myself.... I entrust my lifes secretary, my fun, my memories, my connections, my favorite pastime... My phone. Yes! While youre there... Just ask them whats wrong with my phone... Please. Thanks!.... AT&T Dude: Well. Hes got a while lot of pictures, videos.. Whole threads from Facebook... Conversations ... Clogging it up.... My Best Friend: Whoaa... Just get rid of all the junk.... AT&T Dude: to self: Hmmm... All the junk, she says..hmmm... Well. Theyre not my pictures...looks like all junk to me...*out loud*, Will do, maam!... One mans junk... Is another mans treasure... My work is an insane asylum, at the present time... The only place its really quiet... Is my array. Nobody comes to give me grief... Its my fortress of solitude. My comfort. My quiet place... In an already quiet community.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:49:07 +0000

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