Most of the time people are not what they seemed. A person has so - TopicsExpress


Most of the time people are not what they seemed. A person has so many layers that if you wait to peel each layer, you will discover the vulnerability. People come with all kinds of pain but sometimes it is not the pain that is the problem but what is on their minds and heart. A pregnant lady came and she explained that she felt very ill and went to see a doctor yesterday. After examining her, the doctor said that she was fine. Today she came to our clinic because she didnt feel fine at all. She felt unwell. Clinically she if well but she is not fine. She asked me if her baby will feel her stress? Is her baby fine? She started crying. Okay, now this is her real problem. It is in her mind. Suddenly I am the most concern person in the world, the most encouraging and gentle. Hehehehe because these are what they need. Tell me what on your mind. You look worried. Is everything all right at home or workplace? I started sharing my pregnancy stories to relate to her so that she understands that I understand what she is going through and I myself have been there. Then, slowly I tell her that it is okay to be worried because she loves the baby so much but at the same time she has to remember that Allah will protect her fetus insyaAllah. She should be calm and happy, to enjoy the moment so that her baby can feel her happiness. I have seen many pregnant ladies who have doubts, questions and troubles but they dont seem to share and ask around. When you should ask your friends, mothers, MiL, sisters and etc to help you. Few days ago, I meet a teenager who has depression with suicidal thoughts. He cried in front of me and his mother didnt know at all that he has been having problems. Now, it is okay feel sad and down, it is okay to not be okay. It is okay to share your feelings to others and to be listened. It is okay to listen and help your friends. We just need to be extra attentive to realize that someone needs our help. When you make someone feel better again, you are a hero. So look around and pay attention. Maybe someone needs you.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 08:21:04 +0000

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