Most of you wont even take the time to read this because its not - TopicsExpress


Most of you wont even take the time to read this because its not BEEF or SOME ONE ELSES BUSINESS but I was up observing things on these SOCIAL NETWORKS and just taking the time to actually SEE and READ certain post, comments, likes, and interactions and made me come to a conclusion and that is FB will RUIN your HAPPINESS if you allow it and you become WEAK-MINDED. Have you ever noticed you could wake up the happiest person in the world and feel like youre on top of the world then get on here and suddenly your world starts shifting because of something you saw you WASNT suppose to see. Something was said you WASNT supposed to HEAR about or KNOW about and this could be directed towards your RELATIONSHIP, FRIENDSHIP, WORK RELATIONSHIP, FAMILY RELATIONSHIP etc. Truth is with FB no matter how you choose to use it wether its for your PERSONAL LIFE, ENTERTAINMENT, BUSINESS LIFE, etc having a FB etc can takek you out of your happy element because when you scroll down your news feed more than likely they re more NEGATIVE interactions and post versus POSITIVITY and if you do associate on here with nothing but positivity that is easily shifted and your drawn in because FB gives you TOO much access in everyones life wether it internationally or not. Nothing goes unnoticed. A secret doesnt remain a secret. Friends dont remain friends. Relationship dont remain relationship they become situationship. Family becomes enemies all because of this BIG OPEN BOOK called FB that can be used to publish the TRUTH or LIES without any limitations. Its starts off with ONE friend req. ONE like. ONE comment. ONE message that could f**k up your whole world because Sally SAID this so Keisha LIKED it and Joe COMMENTED on it and Lex decides she wants to SHARE it so Ben can SEE it who is NOT a mutual friend with the original person who posted it. Then Ben MESSAGES Monica about it and she SCREENSHOTS it to TOM and now the simplest thing turned into a BIG CHAIN reaction then where does the privacy and positivity go? Out the window right? There is nothing left to wonder about or even imagine and it is truly sad and unfortunate. It will have you questioning things you wouldnt normally question and people you wouldnt normally question. This thing sadly has a lot of influence on peoples life some for good Most for the bad. Friends having good friends and meeting associate and messing up the circle.Companies and entrepreneurs having great ideas and start newtworking with the wrong people and ideas stolen and used. Sisters and Brothers Cousins etc had that unbreakable family bond and trust and its ruined cause people cant mind their own business and want to become the new family member and reporting back and forth about whats said or done on FB. Thats your cousin how? Yea didnt think so smh! Husbands and Wives, Girlfriends and Boyfriends, Partnerships, Compainions, whatever the agreement is sabotaged because the trust is broken and loyalty is questioned. An understanding that yall created becomes yall and them because too much is being showed and too much is knowed by people who shouldnt even have a say so! Yea I said it! Sometimes other people opinion shouldnt and dont matter. Women and Men are lusting over whats available to the eyes on FB because NOTHING is censored. You stop RESPECTING each other and give the ATTENTION that should be for each other to some complete STRANGER or an known ASSOCIATE causing UNNECESSARY INSECURITY, QUESTIONS, CONCERNS, and WRONGFULLY or RIGHTFULLY assumptions for what? You hadnt been feeling some type of way right? Women and men have lost their SELF RESPECT and VALUE. People want other peoples HAPPINESS and it causes the couples not to APPRECIATE what they already have at home. She or He done held you down for this long and you wanna f**k it up for that Nigga or B**ch who could give 2 f**ks about you right? That sound dumb dont it? Yea I know wether we will admit to it or not! FB manipulates the mind because of all the likes and advertisment of what would be or should be better in everyone elses eyes making you want to stray away from your foundation and make you question what you have isnt good enough cause popularity and opinions on FB. FB is making the girl with the BIG ass, NICE waist, PRETTY face, HUGE boobs, popular and over rated or the PRETTY boy, DOPE boy, HOOD nigga thats SLANGING on the Roanoke Celebrity MOST wanted list on the MUST HAVE or MUST TRY for GP list the PERFECT MATCH right? Have your ASS right at the clinic catching something when it could have all been prevented! Ones happiness and history ruined for what? Started with a like now we here right? Its sad that a lot of us have became so addicted and caught up in the social world that we allowed it to influence and jeopardise what we have and where we came from in the real world! Its crazy right? So ENTERTAINING cant even put our phone downs to focus on something else at times. WAKE UP! This is EXACTLY how our so called appointed leaders want us to act so they can COMPLETELY take over and CONTROL us and what you guys fail to realize is weve already given them access by what we are SAYING and DISPLAYING on here. Got us getting caught for the STUPIDITY we display then them locking our people up. Got us turning against each other acting like maniacs over this OPEN BOOK called Facebook cause everybody wanna be known and always in someones Face instead of knowing WHO and WHAT your suppose to know and giving each other the appropriate space and knowing you place! Think about it...HOW HAS FB CHANGED YOUR LIFE OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW? HOW HAS IT INFLUENCED YOUR DAY TO DAY LIVING? IS IT POSITIVE or NEGATIVE? PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT AND VOICE YOUR OWN OPINION...Im not against FB and I will still use it because IM in controll and not easily influenced by others but just expressing my views on what I see going on on here.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 11:26:40 +0000

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