Most teaching institutions grow bigger with time simply because of - TopicsExpress


Most teaching institutions grow bigger with time simply because of the increasing number of student year on year. What makes a university better is the research conducted in the university. Research methods are so diverse, the research disciplines are so numerous and student backgrounds are so multi-faceted. And then, when PhD students comes in for research, they are thrown into the deep end and expected to re-invent the wheel. Inevitably a large part of their time is wasted on learning fundamental aspects of research instead of studying the phenomenon of interest in their PhD program. Of course in research, we can accept to learn by mistake where a postulation is evaluated CORRECTLY but the results do not substantiate the premises of research. However, we cannot tolerate learn by error where a postulation is evaluated INCORRECTLY. This is where a portfolio of research methods, data collection and data analysis could greatly help students to identify the research tools and techniques needed to spearhead research and reduce the research effort. In this respect, the onus lies entirely on the universities to promulgate such means. Where the universities have not provided such means, we urge the student to follow us on the soon to release software. Stay tuned to this AsterWrite Group to follow on the developments.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 04:05:08 +0000

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