Mr Chancellor, who is affiliated with conservatism, and - TopicsExpress


Mr Chancellor, who is affiliated with conservatism, and ideological advocate for capitalism, please slow down that cheerful horse, before miss-information festers and causes untold societal misery, and deluded support. Proposed policy, may have to be agreed with coalition partners those ‘Liberals’, before actualization. Nothing witnessed about it, convinces to praise peculiar path a single Inch. Here is what I do think of it. In Britain, over 2.5 Million people are classified as unemployed, actively seeking work, and receiving State financial support. That is substantial resource, and precious talent, not utilized. Intended policy, seen as tough is estimated to effect about 200,000 of the relevant population or in other words 7%. None of disclosed components of the policy will be useful. People are unemployed, because there are not enough jobs available, even after taking into account the usual structural displacement. Requiring every person for a daily attendance at local ‘State Office’ is not efficient, especially with availability of modern technology. Also, asking people ‘indiscriminately’ to carry out a free work, something that may not at all suitable to the ‘specific individual’ concerned, is a questionable method for relieving their problem. Imagine for the sake of understanding, Teacher made redundant in this economic recession being told to remove graffiti from walls or 40 year old IT Engineer with a long history of work to help out a local shop as Watchman, ‘State Official’ would try to tell you that sort of dubious invitations are invaluable work experience. Of course, I grasp principal objectives of that dysfunctional policy. It’s to secure beyond any reach, those traditional supporters who normally vote for the conservative political organization, and also to punish, the unfortunate who are not really with motivation to find work. Of those targeted voters, many are sophisticated, so such specific message would yield a limited influence on behaviour. Further, people who are not sincere in finding job, of which the initiative is designed to intimidate are tiny minority. They should be just identified, without that recurring habit of derogation, and demonization of the entire community. As alternative solution to the issue at hand, UK Government must take direct active role for shaping the ‘structure or content’ of the economy. That ideological believe, which says ‘market forces’ are supreme, should be forgotten for a while, until at least, the current crisis is contained. Despite above sentiment, at next general election, I will vote for the conservatives, because Liberals have no chance of winning power. youtube/watch?v=e0h6VjvXqhk&safe=active
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 17:06:52 +0000

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