Mr. R was my art teacher in elementary school. He was the Soup - TopicsExpress


Mr. R was my art teacher in elementary school. He was the Soup Nazi of the school, even down to the mustache. I was terrified of him. If you did something bad, he would make you sit on a stool in the corner which he called The No-Fault Zone. The point being you cant say it wasnt your fault, because there is no fault there. I never quite got the logic, since it sounded to me like he was putting you in a place the name of which admitted you were not at fault. But such were his mysteries. He objected if you said you were done with your work. Should I stick a fork in you? he would ask. He wanted us to say we were finished. One day we were outside drawing and he was actually nice. Do you remember those days when the mean teacher was nice and everybodys rectums relaxed half an inch? Anyway, he told us that day that he had turned down a job at Disney to teach us because he loved to work with kids. Even back then I was calling shenanigans on that. I may not be a fifth grader, I thought, but I know what love is. Finally, this morning I stalked him a little and found out he is a major Tea Party nut and into selling this diet junk online, which tells me needs my prayers more than my aging resentment.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 18:15:26 +0000

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