Muhammad copied the story of Jesus making birds from clay, from - TopicsExpress


Muhammad copied the story of Jesus making birds from clay, from the already existing gospel of Thomas that was written 400years before Muhammad saying also that Jesus made birds out of clay. Muhammad copied the story of Mary giving birth under a palm tree from the gospel of pseudo Matthew, which also says Jesus could speak already when he was born. Muhammad copied the stories of Moses and other prophets from stories he heard that was in circulation in arabia, and he knew what he had to do in order to make himself a prophet with the demon jibrils help. The Quran says many things that existed before actually. Muhammad copied the 5 prayers from the sabeans which existed at his time and place, Muhammad copied the virgins in heaven from the persian belief, Muhammad copied the ramadan fasting from the pagans fasting for their moon God and stopping when the crescent moon appreaed- just like muslims, and made it his version, Muhammad copied the circulation of the kabaa that the pagans practiced to worship their Saturn God. Muhammad copied kissing the black stone, which represents the feemale part in hindu pagan shiva as worshipping. Muhammad copied the story of zorotrianism where the man goes to 1 heaven to another, untill he meets the prescence of God and made himself the hero. Theres so much else, but these i think are a good start.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 16:23:52 +0000

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