Mujuru refused to submit CV At least 10 Cabinet ministers and - TopicsExpress


Mujuru refused to submit CV At least 10 Cabinet ministers and more than 100 Zanu PF legislators face the political wilderness as the mindless bloodletting in the divided party reaches alarming levels ahead of its crucial “elective” congress scheduled for next week. The well-choreographed bloodbath, masterminded by the party’s bigwigs, is raising serious concerns about its impact on ever-deteriorating government services and Zimbabwe’s ailing economy, which has been operating on autopilot ever since Zanu PF’s violent factional and succession wars burst into the open after last year’s disputed national elections. President Robert Mugabe, his wife Grace and hardline supporters of Defence minister Emmerson Mnangagwa have been on a virulent propaganda crusade against embattled Vice President Joice Mujuru and her allies, sensationally accusing them of plotting to assassinate Mugabe, among many other spurious allegations. What has alarmed many Zimbabweans and outside observers alike is the seeming lack of appreciation or care, by the authors of the anarchy, of the negative impact of their actions and utterances on the country. And developments at the weekend suggest that things are set to get worse before they get better for long-suffering Zimbabweans — with Mujuru and Cabinet ministers perceived to be sympathetic to her, including Nicholas Goche, Francis Nhema, Dzikamai Mavhaire, Lazarus Dokora, Andrew Langa and Didymus Mutasa, as well as scores of deputy ministers continuing to be targets of the poisonous political venom from the Grace and Mnangagwa camp. All these prominent players were blocked from being elected into Zanu PF’s powerful central committee, which not only puts their current government positions in doubt, but has seismic short and long-term negative implications on the quality of government service. Analysts said yesterday that a Cabinet reshuffle was now imminent, as it was clear that all of the targeted politicians no longer enjoyed Mugabe’s confidence, with many of them accused of being participants in the murky plot to oust and assassinate the nonagenarian. Mujuru and Goche duly refused to submit their names for the Mashonaland Central provincial central committee elections at the weekend, amid anarchy and violence in Bindura where the regional party plebiscite was taking place. While the State media claimed yesterday that the party’s provincial elections directorate rejected Mujuru’s curriculum vitae for nomination because she allegedly wanted to assassinate Mugabe, the Daily News has it on good authority that the VP, just like Goche, decided against submitting her CV given the “unacceptable goings-on” in the party. (Dailynews) THIS WILL SEND SHOCKWAVES THROUGH THE PARTY THAT MAY RESULT IN OPPOSITION MAKING INROADS INTO STATE HOUSE.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:24:49 +0000

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