Mum needing support: I write this with tears in my eyes. I had a - TopicsExpress


Mum needing support: I write this with tears in my eyes. I had a very difficult time with my first. The first 6 or so months breastfeeding was really hard for us both. I had an oversupply and forceful letdown. She had a tongue tie that was cut at 3 months and was on reflux medication until 6 months. Every feed was a battle with lots of crying from both of us. She would pull on and off constantly and we could only feed lying down which meant I could never feed out. We got through it and continued feeding until she was almost 2. I now have a lovely 3 month old and although I thought I would be able to handle feeding this time around, the last week has been so difficult that I find myself feeling anxious and sick about going through this again. We are having the exact same problems as my first had. Each feed is getting harder and harder. Add in a toddler who doesnt want to stay home all day and things are hard. We have had a tongue tie snip, she is on Losec for reflux, I dont have any soy or dairy in my diet, I only feed lying down, I have done nothing to increase my supply, I follow her cues for feeds and I am still in the same place I was last time. I know that there is no solution to this and that it gets easier when she gets bigger but I am feeling so overwhelmed at the thought of going through this for another 3 months. Feeds are taking her whole awake time as she will only feed for a few seconds and then pull off and cry. If we go out she will need a feed out and then it means I am stuck feeding on/off until she falls asleep. With a very clingy toddler that is difficult to manage. I feel trapped at home and disappointed that this time around wasnt easier. Any tips for getting through this? I think I need some different perspectives to pull me out of this negative slump. Pinky says: This must be so disappointing for you. It may be helpful to see a paediatric chiropractor or osteopath as your baby will be adjusting to new sensations while breastfeeding after the tongue tie release. While sucking with a tie, babies compensate by using their tongues as well as they can despite the degree of difficulty and this can create differences in nerves and muscles. Once they have had the procedure, they need to relearn a new way of sucking as their tongue is so much more mobile at first. Also seeing a lactation consultant for exercises would help too. Please try and see this as your baby is having a problem rather than being a problem. Here is a blog about reflux that may be helpful and if you want to chat to a dietician , try Joy Anderson, shes also a lactation consultant, based in WA but she does Skype calls. beautifulbreastfeeding/crying-baby-sleepless-nights-could-your-baby-have-reflux/
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 10:30:00 +0000

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