Mummy…What Is It Like To Die? His mother had spent hours each - TopicsExpress


Mummy…What Is It Like To Die? His mother had spent hours each day playing with him, reading to him and loving him with all of her heart. Month after month she had done this, trying to keep him from thinking about his illness and realising just how poorly he was. As the weeks went by and he got no better, the little boy gradually began to realise the meaning of the term ‘death.’ One day his mother was reading him the stirring tales of King Arthur and the Knights of The Round Table, and the battle in which so many of them had met their death. As she closed the book the boy lay quiet for a moment and then asked the question that had been weighing on his childish heart for so long: “Mummy… what is it like to die? Does it hurt?” Tears came to the mother’s eyes as she quickly ran to the kitchen, supposedly, to take something off the kitchen stove. She knew it was a question that had to be answered. As she stood in the doorway, she said a quick prayer that the good Lord would give her the words to answer her son. He did! Immediately, she knew how to explain it to him. “Kenneth,” she said, as she returned to his room, “you remember when you were little, you would play so hard all day long that when night came you were too tired to get undressed and you would tumble into mummy’s bed and fall asleep. In the morning – much to your surprise, you would wake up in your own room, in your own bed? Kenneth nodded. “Well,” his mum continued, “you were there because someone had loved you and had taken care of you. Your daddy had come with big strong arms and carried you to your own room… Kenneth dear, death is like that. We just wake up one morning and find ourselves in the other room, our own room where we belong, because the Lord Jesus had loved us and had taken us home.” The little boy looked up, his face shinning, and told his mummy that there would be no more tears – only love and trust in his little heart as he went home to meet his Father in Heaven. He never questioned again and several weeks later he fell asleep just as his mummy had said. The mother knew now that her little boy was clothed with a new body, not one of frail flesh that would get tired and suffer, but a new and eternal body, clothed in God’s shinning mercy. And God Himself will be with them; He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more. (Revelations 21:4) “If you BELIEVE you will see the GLORY of GOD!” – John 11:40
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:46:48 +0000

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