Muslim Scientist, Arabic Language and the Koran By Aries - TopicsExpress


Muslim Scientist, Arabic Language and the Koran By Aries Musnandar / Postgraduate Researcher UIN Malang (the State Islamic University) In the golden age of Islam, many Muslim clerics mastered Arabic (the Koran language). Derived from their comprehension on the Holy Koran, they invented various forms of knowledge. Before Muslim scientists of yore studied general knowledge, they first learned Arabic and memorized the Koran. Later, they learned about science, as in the case of Al-Ghazali, who studied philosophy, and Ibn Sina (Avicenna), the father of general medicine. There are many more Muslim scientists such as Al Farabi, Al Kindi, Ibn Khaldun, among others. I am convinced that our country can create great and respected Muslim scientists in the future if students today are required to understand Arabic. They would be able to study more knowledge that is mentioned in the Koran. I mentioned one of them: Ibn Sinna, alias Avicenna, in the Western world. He developed medicinal treatment and therapy. The West admitted him as father of modern medicinal treatment (please read more about him in medical encyclopedia). We need to obtain a deep understanding of Avicennas background. He studied Arabic and memorized the Koran when he was 5 years old. Not only Avicenna, there were many other Muslims who learned the Koran and or Arabic afterward and became distinguished scientists and pioneers in developing general knowledge and sciences, some of them mentioned above. This is the real story, which the West has admitted. We can read about that in a number of references on the history of science. Muslim clerics at that time succeeded in developing general knowledge and science and their findings are useful for the foundation of Western scholars continuing their studies. By now the West largely consists of developed countries, while Muslim countries are declining in terms scientific development. And we see nowadays, the advanced sciences and technologies mostly come from the West. In order to get back in the golden age of Islam, Muslims should try to understand the Koran thoroughly while at the same time trying to develop general knowledge. Muslim scientists will find inspiration from the Koran to be able to develop general knowledge and science. Therefore, young Muslims, apart from studying general knowledge, need to find more understanding of the Arabic language to be used in interpreting the substance of the Korans verses. Our Islamic religion teachers in schools should upgrade their Arabic competencies, so they can teach students about the Koran in more comprehensive ways. Islam will contribute more to the development of science, as Muslim predecessors have done before. The House of Representatives and the government should consider incorporating Arabic language into the school curriculum as a new subject or into the study of religion. It is very important for Muslims to study Arabic, as it is the language of the Koran and the Hadith (the statements and or traditions of the Prophet Muhammad). When Muhammad Natsir became prime minister and K.H. Wahid Hashim became the religious affairs minister, there were decrees and regulations that incorporated religion into the curricula of the nations schools and universities. Regulations also included subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and more general subjects in the curricula of the nations Islamic schools. I think this decision was appropriate and useful, regardless of the quality of the lessons given by teachers are. Despite the quality of instructions needs to be enhanced but the policy taken by both Indonesian leaders was really the right and strategic decision. Now, this is a time that the education policymakers of the country should be more concerned with the development of students nuances of science. The education policy currently only absorb general knowledge from western perspectives, therefore, we need to develop students knowledge by designing and applying proper instructional materials, methods and evaluation based upon the Koran revelation. Developing human skills and knowledge with qawliyyah verses (al Koran and Hadist) are important for Muslim students in order to elaborate verses regarding kauniyyah verses (natural signs). In the Koran and Hadist there are a lot of natural signs to be observed and developed. Besides, there is also guidance for human being to behave appropriately in this world. Hopefully, we will have good people who are not only tactfully in solving the problem that they face but can also perform a noble behavior. This is actually mandated by UUD 45 and ordered by ‘UU Sisdiknas no 20/2003. With such an approach, smart students are not only good in cognitive aspects but also smart in emotional and social aspects by displaying a good performance of soft skills. Finally, developing human resources in advance would be fruitful for both education and industry. More than that, the nation will also have the advantage of improving the quality of Indonesian human resource Hopefully the authorities, and especially the National Education Ministry, can pay more attention to this idea for the sake of improving Indonesian Muslim Students, who comprise a majority of the Indonesian population.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 17:14:15 +0000

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