My Hajj Message Day of reckoning - the day of - TopicsExpress


My Hajj Message Day of reckoning - the day of Arafa Millions of pilgrims from every corner of this earth would converge today at the plain of Arafa doing three things - worshiping, contemplating and supplicating. Their worship would be singularly devoted to God alone, as for their entire life and at least 17 times everyday they have been saying you alone we worship and you alone we ask for help. Today they have come to respond to the invitation of God and the call of Gods beloved friend and Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). This is the ultimate and international display of submission to One and only God, worthy of worship. Their contemplation would be about true meaning of their life, achievements and failures and in the wider picture their usefulness to the world and its inhabitants. In the plain of Arafa contemplation would deepen their faith in the Almighty and strengthen their resolve to remain good and united. Its all about a comprehensive self appraisal and evaluation. Today they would be taking their own account and making a solemn pledge to remaining loyal to God, being good to their fellow human beings and uniting with their brothers and sisters from around the world in solidarity for virtue and standing together agains all forms of evil. Their supplications would include three things - thanking God for the daily Grace, seeking Gods forgiveness for the everyday sins and beseeching Gods protection and favour for the remaining days left in their lives. They would not waste their time in asking God for the mundane, materialistic and perishable things but they would be seeking something more superior - Gods pleasure. If God is pleased nothing else matters. This would be the peak of the entire Hajj ritual and people would have moved mountains to arrive here. Some would have spent their entire lifes savings, some would have waited for this moment for tens of years, some would have walked miles, traveled on horse, camel or donkey for hundreds of miles, some would have taken buses, cars and boat and most would have taken the aeroplane from their respective countries. This would be for some the last act of submission, some would be buried in Makkah as they would breath their last breath while being the guest of God but most people would make it back to their homes and loved ones. I remember I was there two years ago. In fact I dont remember how I got there but I remember waking up in the plain of Arafa. When my eyes opened and I saw my wife sitting right next to me and staring deep into my face, I asked her where I was and why I was laying inside a tent? She told me, You are in the plain of Arafat and performing Hajj. Your temperature had soared in the morning and you had lost consciousness but we all felt it would be better for you to sleep in Arafa than stay at our accommodation in Mina. They knew the significance of being at this place for the blessed Prophet promised that if someone spends even a little amount of time in Arafa that would account as his Hajj. Since I had travelled all the way to Makkah with the intention of performing the Hajj they carried me to Arafa, placed me in a cool tent under the care of my wife and under the supervision of a retired doctor from London who was also there to perform his Hajj. I still remember the exact feeling, the site and the smell of that moment when my fever had subsided and my eyes opened. I sat up and looked around, I felt so guilty for sleeping while millions of pilgrims were reaping the benefit of the blessings of Arafa. I asked my wife what time it was and she said, its 1pm and they were getting ready for Dhuhr prayers (second prayer of the day and prayed just after midday). I asked my wife to help me make wudu (ritual ablution) and asked her to get me some food. I needed to get my strength back and join in the last few hours of the day seeking Gods Grace. Today millions of people of all colour, ethnicity, languages and culture would stand together taking account of their entire life before they are faced with the account on final day of reckoning. Today they are here to settle the accounts with God! The promise of God is that those who respond to His call for this once in a life time journey and complete their rituals of Hajj diligently would leave the plain of Arafat sinless - like a new born baby with no baggage and no worries. Today in Arafa the sermon should be about the spiritual and physical malaise that has engulfed the entire Muslim Ummah. Today the Imam at Arafa should inspire millions of pilgrims to rise to the challenge and return to the true teaching of their faith - worship of One God, establishment of justice and fairness, restoration of dignity, gaining freedom, pursuing excellence, demonstrating compassion and proliferation of charity. Today he should be talking about the evil of illegitimate rulers in general but the Middle East and the Muslim world in particular, the corrupt elite, the dysfunctional state institutions, the lack of civil society infrastructure and endemic violation of human rights. Today he should be calling for an end to the extremism that is sweeping the Muslim world and giving a stark warning to the Western world - leave the Muslim world alone, stop political and military interference and let the Muslims determine their own future. Today he should be asking the Ummah of Muhammad to rise and change their own destiny. I pray for the pilgrims that God accepts their Hajj. I pray that God forgives them and all of us our sins. And God becomes pleased with them for their commitment and endurance. However, as today is the day of Arafa, the day of reckoning on this earth, I wonder if todays Muslim Ummah would recognise their own comatose state and begin the process of resuscitation in earnest! I wonder if the masses would rise from their stagnant state and begin the process of reform! I pray this Hajj provides that urgently needed turning point for the Ummah of the blessed Prophet Muhammad!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 23:34:43 +0000

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