My Haunt Story...I started in 08 or 09...cant remember but my - TopicsExpress


My Haunt Story...I started in 08 or 09...cant remember but my friend Paul Trent said if i was looking for a job then to come work with him at the Moundsville Penn for the haunted house... well since i was already into that type of stuff i accepted and joined the Haunt Crew...i started as a zombie... cause zombies are the shit.. well anyways... i had such a thrill...such an adrenalin rush that i became addicted... working the pen became my high the damp prison basement...the smell of fog juice...the creepy sounds...the knowledge of it actually being haunted its a rush that cant really be put into words...its just a great feeling... so every year i go back and consider it as others do as their second home the thrill you get from scaring people gives you the sence of accomplish ment cause thats why people come to a haunted get and boy is the scaring biz iv became friends with some awesome people...some iv known befor the haunt and some at the haunt... Marc Landon is an awesome dude... Stephanie A Riker is an awesome chick... Matt Collins came from foggy bottom as well as marc and Jed Thomas Powell and a few others aswell as my g/f my future wife i met aswell from foggy bottom... Jacqueline Danielle... i have a blast every year i work and the thrill to look forward to October is a feeling that all the haunters get and gets penn withdraws... but one of the many great things you get from working the haunted house and its been said make really good friendships meet cool people and scare the crap...literally out of people...its by far the best place to work. Lori ONeil is one of the best people and bosses to work for... she gets into it just like the rest of us and gets excited and even lets you know when to really scare people extra all in all def an awesome place to work and awesome people to work with and i cant name everybody but there is a lot of people that is just awesome... so there is my haunt
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 04:19:21 +0000

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