My Love, Ive tried to send this to you umpteen times but - TopicsExpress


My Love, Ive tried to send this to you umpteen times but clearly you still have not gotten it, so here it is again. You want to know what my vision of our future looks like. First, I am STILL traditional and old fashioned. I want to be the one to take care of you, as your wife! I love to show off in the kitchen with my cooking. I want to be the one to cook your meals and I am more than capable of cleaning my own home and doing our laundry. I want to have a huge kitchen and herb garden, and grow and put up everything that we eat. I already freeze, Im learning to dehydrate and I already can. Speaking of which, wait until you taste my home grown, home canned jelly. The children would not eat store bought jelly when they were growing up. I also want animals, although I dont think I could stand to actually eat one of them. Chicken eggs, now that is a different story. I would like to have a huge free flight aviary for our exotic birds. You should see some of the beautiful cockatiels that I have bred and hand raised. While I have no idea how many family members will actually be living there full time, I have a sneaking feeling that we are going to need a Lodge instead of a house. I want our home to be on as much land as we can acquire. I want it to be up in the Adirondack Mountains, with nothing other than nature for as far as the eye can see. Hopefully it will be on or at least near a lake and also have a stream or river running through it. Waterfalls would be a bonus. Horses, we must have horses! I have been looking on line and with the growing season short in the mountains, maybe instead of a normal outside garden, we could have a huge conservatory to garden in. Inside our home, I want to have everything that we could possibly want so that if we choose to, we never have to leave. I want a library with old fashioned books from floor to ceiling. I want an art room or suite with pottery wheels, paints, easels, beading, glass blowing, silver work, paper crafts, etc... and an area for kids crafts. I also want a wood working shop. We also need a dance studio and a music studio, maybe even with recording equipment. I also want an actual theatre so that we can see all of the latest in the comfort of our home. The kitchen To organize the kitchen, we will need and entire room devoted to kitchen gadgets and food storage. We need a regular dining room, but also a breakfast nook in the kitchen with windows all around, floor to ceiling. Something else that would be nice is maybe an glass enclosed hot tub in an area that can also double as an additional large dining area for a crowd. We must have a huge screened porch. I thought in the basement we could have a work-out gym and a gaming room complete with pool table, foosball table, ping pong and regular gaming tables for cards, chess/checkers and board games. Maybe even a pinball machine or two. We might want to consider an indoor swimming pool, maybe even in the basement. I want fireplaces everywhere! I really would like to have a fireplace in our bedroom suite, a Jacuzzi garden bath tub and a screened balcony. If you still want babies, a nursery off of the master suite too. Maybe we can have both suites for the full time family and an entire wing of bedrooms for when the kids come and go. I love the log cabin look with dark wood and stone. I prefer decorating more rustic and comfortable with natural neutral colors like blues, browns, greens and such. I want a home! Since the climate gets really cold and there will likely be lake effect snows that snow us in for possibly weeks at a time, I want to make sure that we always have enough of everything to stay in for months! Renewable energy would be the best. Solar and wind, and maybe get completely off grid and away from power plant electricitty. I also personally want a solar EV charging station for a vehicle that can use both fossil fuel and electricity. As far as the other people that we both love, and it appears they are the same people, we will just have to figure out how to navigate that as we go along. As for children, this time around, I would like to homeschool all the way through, instead of just elementary school like I did with Brianna and Alec. I hope that its okay if we have a house full of dogs and cats. Just so that you know, I wear a size 2 petite, a size 5 shoe and that all important left finger is a 3 3/4. The right is a half size larger. Sorry, but unfortunately I am going to need a lot of dental work ASAP. My bridge broke a while back and whatever they have done has damaged my already dark, tetracycline stained teeth, so I need a lot of fillings. Ive never had to deal with that before, with only a half dozen fillings or so, in my life. Ive never had a crown or root canal before. While my teeth were dark and ugly, the were healthy. Now they are not! I am ready to get this show on the road! I want OUR life together back, and I want it now!!! I love you and miss you so much! I am forever, Your Lisa
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 02:18:32 +0000

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