My Mom was Robbed in KENYA . - TopicsExpress


My Mom was Robbed in KENYA . NEWSLETTER June 25, 2013 Robbery at Jubilee Harvest Christian Bible College on June 10 Dearest Friends, Greetings from Kenya. I am writing to proclaim that our God is an awesome God and that He does protect His children, even though we may go through trials, James tells us when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete needing nothing. Since I came the third of April of this year, I had settled in and was so comfortable, everything was going good, four new students coming in had brought great joy to all of us. Things were so great. Trials came but we were just praising the Lord. And His presence was so heavy upon us, I could see His hand in everything. Even in the faces of our students; love flowing between each one of us; seeing the glory of God in each face. Let me tell you, it is a wonderful feeling. And we were seeing people set free from bondage, demonic bondage, we were having a breakthrough and we made the devil mad….. But Praise God! We know that He that is in us, is greater than he that is in this world. We know we are more than overcomers through Jesus Christ our Lord. We know God’s hand is upon us. We feel His presence everyday. We know that He that hath begun a good work in us will continue until the day of Jesus Christ. We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. At the same time, the devil is not going to ignore us, he is trying all the time to defeat us, but we know the devil’s devices and we know who we are in Christ. When he sticks up his ugly head, we will overcome, we will win the race that is set before us. June 10th, it was my sister, Teresa’s birthday, I had called and left her a Happy Birthday message, then Esther and I sat down to our evening meal, after supper, we began our evening prayers, toward the end of the prayers, as I was praying, we heard one of our students, Charles Mutiso come and and say, Mama, we need to talk to you, we thought, why is he interrupting our prayers, we continued, and then finished, when we opened our eyes, we looked up and Oh My! Charles was on his knees with his hands tied behind him and two men were standing there with an axe and a machete, it took a few seconds to realize what was going on. One of the robbers said: “We are criminals, and we want your money!” They came over and took our wristwatches, my ring, my new mini Ipad (which I had been carrying instead of a Bible, Notebook, Pens, Camera etc). All these were on my Ipad which was so nice. They took us into my room and made us sit on my bed while they went through all my things, they stole all of our laptops, four laptops, two were the teachers, one was Esther’s and one was mine that my church in Texas had given me, that was the hardest to part with, I said to the robbers, oh please don’t take my laptop, I need it so bad. But they took it. While the two robbers were in my room, there were two others going through the dorms and Esther’s room. They came into the compound from behind the kitchen and took the students by surprise as they were washing their supper dishes, and tied them all up and took their cell phones. Then locked them in the kitchen which is outside and then came into the back door of the college. We have seven young men on campus now. We just were not prepared for this, we were so sure no weapon formed against us shall prosper. J But God was testing us to see if we would still trust Him, and we do and we always will. It was like a drama being played out and I felt like I was watching it instead of being in it. We continued to pray in the Spirit, praying for God’s protection over all of our boys and over us. They didn’t like it when I told them they were working for the devil and following him, they told me to be quiet. lol They demanded money and were not happy to find we had so little, but all together, they got away with so much, when you add it all up. I kept saying, we are a Bible College, we don’t carry large amounts of money here, and I told them I had just paid the teachers. They were wanting US dollars but I told them, I live here and I certainly don’t keep US dollars around, I told them I only deal in Kenya shillings. They got 12,000/= Kenya shillings from me, and 9000/= from Esther and one of our young boys that came from Rwanda had quite a bit of money that he had brought with him and they took it and also his passport and traveling papers, he was so upset and crying, it really was hard on him. 20,000/= Kenya shillings is about $238.00 USD, and that’s not counting the money they took from the boys. They took all our cell phones, our cameras. They left the desk top computers which were two, but neither of them were working good, but now we are trying to get them fixed and put an anti-virus on them. The axe the man was carrying was our new one for chopping wood. Well, all these things can be replaced in time, and we are so thankful to God for protecting us and that no one was hurt or beaten. After the robbers left, we came out of my room and our students were coming into the college to check on us, they had gotten loose and managed to come out of one of the kitchen windows. One of our students, when the robbers came in, Francis quickly threw his phone into a wood pile in the kitchen and so he called the police at once when he got loose, and they all came, from different stations, so many yet to this day they have never found them, we suspect some of the policeman was working with the criminals, I wouldn’t doubt it. We have continued to pray for these robbers that God will deal with them, that they will be arrested and sentenced. It is in God’s hands, and He is the one they will have to answer to. God is taking care of us. I know God is our provider and He makes a way where there seems to be no way. What they stole belonged to God our Father, and we have turned it all over to Him. We had scheduled a Seminar for June 17th 18th, and 19th, and so we continued to prepare for that meeting, we worked and prayed and put our trust in the Lord. I had money still in my bank account so I went to town and we bought all the food we needed to feed the people coming to the Seminar. Our special guest Mbugi from Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania was coming to lead worship, and he is a wonderful young man, a musician that is a worshiper, my friend for many years, back when I would go to Botswana and Zimbabwe. Oh how he blessed us… so much! What a gift from the Lord, just when we needed it. Our guest speaker was Willis Otuya, a professor and a friend in a college nearby and a dynamic speaker who loves Jesus Christ so much, he taught every day from 11:00-1:00 pm on “The Importance of Training”, we were blessed. Gladys Ambunya, our teacher taught on “Pastor and Spouse” and our teacher, Simon Bulimo spoke on “Raising Godly Families”, and our Dean of Students, Patrick Ambunya taught on “Rebuilding Broken Walls”, and I spoke on “Transformation”, Esther Kagota spoke on “You Will Be My Witnesses” and also shared her miracle of healing. During the Seminar, the girl (about 16 yrs of age)that we had prayed for on June 10th , the night of the robbery, came to the Seminar and after we dismissed that afternoon, and people were leaving, she fell to the floor, a spirit taking control, she fell into a trance or something, she wasn’t responding when they would talk to her, so we prayed, staff and students, we prayed and prayed, coming against that evil spirit that was trying to destroy her, we were told that where she goes to school, (Catholic) there is a lot of demonic activity among the students, many are having attacks, we were told that one boy at her school was attacked by demons and died that a few days prior to our seminar, it appears that these evil spirits are very strong in her and doesn’t want to leave. It will manifest itself and she will scream and try to roll on the floor and after we pray, it seems to retreat, but we aren’t sure whether it has left or not, we had a breakthrough and she seemed to be set free. Tuesday, the next day, she came back, as we broke for lunch, she was sitting in the grass hut and again she fell to the ground, completely out of and touch with reality, unconscious, her mother and sister brought her back into the building and we again started praying, we asked the Lord to show us what to do, she lay there on the floor, no response at first, as the pastors, staff and students prayed over her. We prayed and prayed, In the name of Jesus, casting out those evil spirits, pleading the blood of Jesus to set her free. Later, some of the pastors that came for the Seminar gathered together while the Seminar continued praying and interceding for her and we believe she was set free. Her and her mother stayed all night, that night after supper we all gathered in the chapel (students, staff and teachers and some guest that wanted to stay here rather than go home because they come from afar, and we had a revival service, Claire was singing with the students and worship team and praising the Lord and so happy. The last report is that she is doing very good, It’s been over a week and she still doing good. Praise the Lord! Right now the teachers here in Kenya are on strike so Claire is home, which may be a good thing. We continue to pray for her. The spirit of witchcraft is very strong here, I am realizing it more and more, and such corruption which is beyond my understanding as a Christian, we have been attacked so much this month. Please pray for us. Esther’s nephew, Silas Galia, who works here at jhcbc, is an electrician, teaches a computer class to our students, and a driver for our 1986 Land Rover. Esther has spent thousands of Kenya Shilllings to get this vehicle working right, she had sent Silas to go get the mechanic to come and he was stopped by the police and they were harassing him, telling him they were going to arrest him because he didn’t have a fire extinguisher in the vehicle and that he did not have an address painted on the side of the vehicle. We had just had it inspected by the police, but it made no difference, he finally offered them his 400shillings, and they let him go. Can you believe. But we were still in for more problems, as he left the police, he was driving back and a Matatu passed and swerved in front of the car in front of him, and the car in front of him hit the matatu, then when he hit the brakes, it went all the way to the floor and he couldn’t stop, although he left skid marks for a long distance before it hit the car. Now, we have another problem, the police came and insisted on taking all three vehicles and drivers into the police station, there they harassed them and demanded money and said they were all to be arrested and stay in jail overnight. Silas was crying, he didn’t know what to do. And we were praying here. Finally when the police saw that the people had no money, they kept the vehicles and sent all of them home and told them to come back in the morning. After chapel yesterday morning, we had prayed for God to work everything out, so Esther went with Silas to the police station, they were the first there at 9:15am, and the others didn’t show up until almost noon. We were really praying for them. Esther said when the driver from the car in the middle came, he came with 8 other guys and they were drunk, and they had lots of money sticking out of their pockets, the driver of the Matatu came to Esther and apologized for what happened, he said I know it was my fault, please don’t get upset and just stay calm and do whatever the police says because none of us want to go to court and let this play out for years. (that’s what Kenyan courts do here) After all said and done, Esther had to pay a lot of money to fix that car in front of the Land rover, but we know that what she gave, the police probably took half of it before they let that driver go. But we praise the Lord that this case is finished now. The devil is a loser, and we are winners, no matter what has happened. Even though it sounds bad, we have to count it all joy when trials come, and let God defend us. The Bible says, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him”. I’m realizing more and more how dark this continent is, I think I’ve been working with pink sunglasses and just never saw the corruption like I do now. More and more I hear of people in high places taking money that was meant to help the poor and sick and put it in their pockets, all I can say is that there is a judgment day coming and I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes. May God continue to lead us by His Spirit and help us to do His will, to preach the Gospel until He calls us home. Please pray for us when God puts us on your heart. Love you all with all my heart. Lorita Kolb ... "In Him We Live and Move and Have Our Being"
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 14:39:42 +0000

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