My Testimony I wrote my cousin a letter and it reads as follow: - TopicsExpress


My Testimony I wrote my cousin a letter and it reads as follow: You dont have to be ashame and you dont have to feel that youve let someone down. It was a learning experience and it was to save you from something that God saw ahead. True we all have put ourselves in certain situations whether it was putting a bill off, women, men, bad habits or etc. No one is perfect and thats a promise. Look at me, when I was in college back in 1996. A girl started something with me one day and I wanted to finish the next day. Even though we both got cut, we both learned a lessoned. One of us could have gotten killed for something that could have been avoided. Her lessoned learned was to not bother no one if theyre not bothering you. She was picking at me because I had on white shoes after Labor Day and you know people can wear what they want because that is only a myth about no white after Labor Day. She had a reputation of cutting people and. I was the first to give her a dose of her own medicine but I admit she cut me first. My lessoned learned was to let by gone be by gone because the incident happened the day before. I couldnt sleep that night because I felt I had to get her. As a result of that we fought the next day. We both got cut but if I had cut her a lil bit more she would have died and I would have went to jail for not letting by gone be by gone. That was a incident that shouldnt have happened. I hope these words were encouraging to you. True you lost money by getting robbed and again yes you could have lost your life but most of all God kept you here. So take that loss and receive this $5 that God layed on my heart to give you to let by gone be by gone because you can get more money but we cant get another you. Love you more than you know. Your cousin, Apple..... See I know I shouldnt be in fear because god is dealing with me. When I woke up god spoke to me and told me to give my cousin $5 along with the letter due to the incident that had happened that could have caused his life. So I wanted to know why should I give him $5 why not $10 or $20. So I Google to see what does the number 5 means in the bible and the answer I got was that the number 5 symbolizes Gods grace, goodness and favor towards humans. So my cousin is still here today with us because of Gods grace, goodness and favor towards humans. God has given him another chance. I also made contact with the lady who I had a altercation with through my friend Shay Winder and I ask her myself was it ok if I shared this with you all and she said yes. To everyone out their I pray that God lead us and guide us in the right direction. Have a blessed day!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:08:06 +0000

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