My Two Cents: Get ready to be mad at me again. Someone asked me - TopicsExpress


My Two Cents: Get ready to be mad at me again. Someone asked me why I have to much distain for the GOP and the Tea Party? It is hard not to smile when asked such a question, as it opens the door the for some very interesting areas of conversation. I am amazed how someone said I don’t listen to FOX as my only source I listen to CNN too. Wo ho, they are kissing cousins when it comes to politics. I had a democrat say I get all my news from MSNBC, ok they are with out doubt the most liberal view on every subject mentioned and really aren’t news but talk shows that support liberal views. Someone else told me they base all there information from a host of web pages, that list is long but all of the ones they named were wack sites and sites that twist information as bad as dear Rush does. I know it is very hard to get real news and at least open commentary that presents facts. I listen to all of them some, read even the wack posts when I see them if for no other reason so I can see the reasons people are jumping off the cliff and not looking before the leap. Some of them do make good points from time to time, I like MSNBC most of the time, but then I never let it pass from my mind the side of any issue they will be on. Now here is my issue with the two named groups above. They are like if you went to the store to buy a loaf of bread and found they didn’t have the brand you like, you would take a match and set it on fire. They are like if you only preferred gas from X and you were traveling and there were no X stations you would instead of buying from O pour whiskey in your tank to keep going. They are like a person who goes to the doctor and finds out they have a cold and now the person hates the people they work with because they blame it on them, when in fact they caught the cold while doing naked snow angels in the neighbors yard. You can tell them over and over again, the President does not make laws, and he only approves or disapproves laws passed by congress. Yet every law that has been passed and everyone they wanted made and not passed is somehow him, it is OBAMA. I guess it is Obama fault that the least amount of bills have been passed out of congress in the last two years then in the history of this country. Of course it is his fault not congress, because they have spent all their time acting like spoiled children refusing to eat their spinach, for they are too busy trying to over turn the Affordable Care Act which requires a lot of time to find new ways to lie about the program. Lying is hard work and we pay them for it. I remind you rather you like the bill or not, and yes he supported it, and yes he signed it, it was CONGRESS that passed the bill. Now the Tea Party foundation was and is two major things. One to do any thing by any means to over turn the law. Two, to do any thing by any means to block and legislation in which the President supports. Now I am sorry but from where I sit that looks like a kid throwing a fit in the store because Daddy said no to a candy bar and got a apple instead. So the kids sits down in the check out lane kicking and yelling and screaming and when the store tells them to pick the kid up and leave, they beat up the check out person the store manager and when the police come they grab the gun that is concealed and have a shoot out. It is just how silly these people have become. Every nut cake that comes up with conspiracy they put the name OBAMA on it and these people run as fast as they can to support the kid throwing the fit. Some preacher says oh those darn liberals; OBAMA is passing laws to make gay marriage legal. Well true if congress passes it he will sign it, but it is only Congress that can make that law. So you pick a few points he has said he supports then you make up twenty more that he never said he supported then you add to that twisting the good laws he asked for until they look like it’s a bullet from hell coming at you and you yell OBAMA. Someone posted a story where the rules of school held assembly to explain changes the school board had passed where a guy stood up and started making a scene. He was asked to come to order refused was escorted out. Because it is a standard that Obama is for, and frankly if you took the time to read it, you might think its fair and reasonable as well, it is somehow Obama’s fault he was arrested. It had nothing to do with he broke several laws and assaulted a police officer, no it was OBAMA. When you attend a congressional assembly the rules are clear and so is the law you are not allowed to call out from the audience yet when people do this and are hauled out and arrested it is OBAMAS fault. Why would you support breaking the law? If you go to church and a drunk comes in and in the middle of you singing your little special song, or in the middle of the sermon he started yelling out, would not expect them to be asked to leave and if they refused escorted out, of course you would. In debate with someone not long ago and you start getting to the facts they start getting mad because all the FACTS were based from Wack sites and out and out lies. They had not read the law, nor the bills that were in debate. They had not looked at anything but it is OBAMA. Now if what most of what being said was actually true, and if facts supported those claims, if he in fact broke the laws claimed by GOP people wanting elected, if he was not a legally born resident, he would of already been impeached for the Lord knows they have tried hard enough to find a reason. If most of this Wack stuff were true, even small parts of it, do you really think all the net works would not be on faster then you can yell your grandma’s name. To say he runs the networks, OBAMA is like saying I am a billionaire and am hiding it. Let me point out they have no issue releasing when a traitor gives them negative information, they have no problem printing what the Russian President had to say, they had no problem going after Clinton or Nixon so why do you think this guy has so much more power? I don’t know why you hate this man so much, when you ask you get a list of things that he had no control over. Jobs, well he put a jobs bill before congress they would not give it a chance. You claim he trying to take away our guns and make this a dictatorship that is so far off the truth it makes me want to puke. Yes he supports and wants to ban some types of guns from public and asked for real back ground checks that is far cry from having your guns taken away. You are like the old lady you say too, I have a bad back, she says oh me too and mine is worse because my hips are gone too, you say I got a headache, she say oh me too it think mine is a brain tumor, you sneeze, she goes in to coughing and wheezing and is on deaths door with lung diseases. This is why I had so much distain for the above. I don’t really care much for this president but I like him a lot better then who ran against him. I think he supports to many liberal views for my personal taste, but that is not the big thing, the big thing is as the leader it is his job to control congress to find a way to work between both parties and make it happen and he has failed. Now it is also true he has the Tea Party and the haters to deal with who run the other party. Yet if you have a bully in the play ground and you want him gone you go stand up to him and kick his butt or at least try. I fault our leader for not kicking some butts or at least trying. I don’t dislike him because he is black, and truth is that is why many of you hate him. I don’t dislike him because of the laws passed, that is congress. I just think if he was a bit more aggressive when the need arises a lot of this bull would already be done and over. Though I may not care for him, I truly have a distain for the GOP of which I once loved being part of, today they are not solution finders they are the problem.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 06:14:02 +0000

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