My article from the May 23 Pharos Tribune: The old saying about - TopicsExpress


My article from the May 23 Pharos Tribune: The old saying about Indiana weather has sure been true this year! If you dont like it just wait a few minutes, itll change! Last Monday we had the heating and cooling guy here to fix our AC, by Wednesday we had turned the AC off and turned the furnace back on. Yesterday after church I turned the furnace off again, hopefully for the last time. We had such a beautiful worship service, the music was special and Pastor George’s message was just what I needed to hear. This words in this praise song by Chris Tomlin always touch my heart, but yesterday along with the scripture it just gave me such a wonderful sense of peace.......How great is our God – sing with me How great is our God – and all will see How great, how great is our God Name above all names Worthy of all praise My heart will sing How great is our God. The message was based on John 14:1-4. The first verse, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.” really spoke to me. Weve had some need for extra prayer support and this verse reminded me that God is still in control. The mission has been hopping with activity. On Saturday a group of men came in from Vineyard Community church to do landscaping. They were on a mens retreat weekend and chose us for their community service project. They landscaped the front of the mission, planted shrubs in the back, pulled weeds, made us look beautiful. They used donations from Engineering Aggravates and Home Depot. Also on Saturday a group of Boy Scouts were in with a large donation of food from a Food Drive they held. Wednesday a group of Girl Scouts were in to bag up the last of the food for children from the Wal-Mart grant. We have been so blessed with this grant and with those willing to help distribute it. Jason has been going to area churches to talk about the mission. Recent trips include Burnnettsville First Baptist, two of our residents went with him and one spoke on what the mission has done for him. If any church/group is interested in Jason talking with you about Emmaus just give him a call at 574-739-0731. Work is starting on our gardens behind the mission and weve received quite a few donations towards this project. My garden here at home is still in the thinking process, hopefully Ill get it planted soon. My flower beds are so full of beauty (and weeds, so thats what Im working on right now). Sunday was a perfect day for working outside but I spent the afternoon playing with our princess. 15 month-old Hannah is so much more fun than anything else we can do. Last week I wrote about those kids whom we love as if they were our own. On Friday one of those couples gave us a new grandson, baby Emmett is just simply perfect! Enjoy these beautiful days, hug your kids and tell them you love them. May all we do bring glory to Gods name! Psalm 31:3 “For You are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for Your name’s sake, Lead me and guide me.” Linda Hoffman
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 10:38:03 +0000

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