My aunt I have been debating whether all of this is important - TopicsExpress


My aunt I have been debating whether all of this is important enough to share, but I think it’s super interesting so I’m just gonna go for it. I also want to include that before any of this happened, I was the only person in my family who truly believed in ghosts and spirits etc. In November 2013 my aunt passed away very suddenly. It really devastated our family, especially my mom as my aunt was her only sister and her little sister. We were all very close and my aunt was one of the most loved people; she was incredibly full of life and always had a smile on her face and I miss her so much. Since she passed away my grandparents, my uncle, and my household have all had paranormal type experiences that we believe is her somehow making contact. The first I can remember happened in my house. I woke up around 5:30 am to find my parents standing in the hallway looking extremely confused. My mom said they were sitting in the living room and heard a loud pop coming from the hallway that sounded similar to a light blowing out and when she looked towards it there was a giant ball of light. No light had blown or anything. My dad checked everything and there was no explanation for the noise or the light. My sister later googled this and found that this happens when spirits are trying to make contact. This was the first time my parents expressed that they actually thought it was a spirit/my aunt. The second thing that happened was at my sister’s apartment. My sister has a new baby and was changing his diaper before bed. She said aloud how she needed to remember to put cream on him for his diaper rash. She changed his diaper and forgot the cream and left the room. When she came back, the tub of cream was sitting in her view with the lid off. We really believe this was my aunt helping her since she probably wanted to see the baby. The next occurrence happened at my uncle’s house. My aunt wore this necklace that was like a black leather chain with a medallion attached to it that my uncle keeps on the night stand. When he came home from work (no one had been home all day) and went to the bedroom, the medallion had been removed from the leather strap and the strap was laid on her pillow. There is no explanation for this. The most recent thing that’s happened is my mother has been hearing noises that come from nowhere. At around 9am (usually on weekends) my mom hears a squeak that she says sounds like a dog toy. My dad has heard it too but it only happens around my mom. It is so loud that my dog will wake up and come running thinking that someone has squeaked his dog toy. She says it sounds like a full squeak like someone steps on it and sometimes sounds extremely close to her but usually a good ways across the room. We think maybe my aunt is trying to get in contact with my mom? We can’t find any other explanation and I’ve looked online and have found many similar experiences. The last strange thing that has to do with my aunt involves my nephew who is 3. He doesn’t remember my aunt at all, he doesn’t know her name or that she passed away or anything as they weren’t close and he was just too young at the time. Anyway, I have a framed photo of my old dog, Didi, sitting in my room. She passed away years and years ago and my nephew doesn’t know anything about her. One day my nephew was in my room and grabbed the photo and brought it to me saying “Susie Susie!” which was my aunt’s name. I don’t know why he connected the two of them or said her name or anything but I find it all too weird to be coincidental. I’m sorry this is so long! I just wanted to share this with someone because I feel like there’s been a flood of activity after all of this, just too much to ignore. There are times when I just really really feel like she’s here. ©bizarreismm.tumblr
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 11:32:04 +0000

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