My campaign for the Republican Nomination for Michigan’s 4th - TopicsExpress


My campaign for the Republican Nomination for Michigan’s 4th Congressional District fell short last night. To say I, and those close to me, were disappointed is an understatement. I wanted to take about 24 hours before I posted anything to FB – or anywhere else. First, I want to thank the many voters that expressed their support at the polls yesterday. It wasn’t enough to win – but it is still humbling to recognize that the message of our campaign resonated with so many people. I congratulated Senator Moolenaar last night when I called him and I do so again here publicly. He prevailed through a vigorous campaign and secured a clear victory in the primary. Obviously, not the outcome I sought but I learned a long time ago to accept defeat with some measure of grace. Also, I want to say a big “thank you” to all the supporters, volunteers, and campaign staff that worked so hard during the 90-some days of the campaign. It was intense and, as primary campaigns can be, sometimes a little fiery. Your support and commitment has been and remains greatly appreciated. I hope to work with each of you again in some capacity in the future. There are a number of county party leaders to which I also owe a thank you. You assisted our campaign in reaching out to voters in your area even when I wasn’t necessarily your preferred candidate! Democracy needs vigorous debate, both between political parties and within political parties, and you recognized and supported that process. I appreciate that a great deal. As I said last night when I spoke with Senator Moolenaar, when I spoke with the media after I conceded the election, and when I exchanged messages with some party officials today, I intend to actively support the Republican party ticket during the Fall. How, and to what extent, will depend upon the wishes and desires of various candidates. Finally, I hold the principles and values I discussed during the campaign very deeply and strongly. I intend to continue to vocally and actively support that vision in the upcoming months and years. It is way too soon after this election to even consider what options will arise to pursue that agenda.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 01:17:03 +0000

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