My dear brothers & elders, as a creature we were fully dependent - TopicsExpress


My dear brothers & elders, as a creature we were fully dependent on Allah Tala and to do sth we are also fully dependent on Allah Tala. Regarding this, if we could be able to recite some sort of amal (mamulat/dua), that will be much more helpful for us in this world & here after. Some amal (mamulat/dua) to recite after Fazr (please justify these, if sth fault that belongs to me. May Allah tala absolve us & bestow upon us the knack to do these ..................... 1. “Hasbiyallhu la… ilaha illahua alaihi tawakkaltu oahua ala kulli shai-ing kodir”- 7 times (to get aid from Allah tala all day long- Ref: Khazaene Koran & Hadis; by Hazrat Hakim akter). 2. Last three Ayat of “Sura-tul-Hashor” with three times “Auzubillahissamiil alimiminasshaito nirrozim”- (to get the benediction from seventy thousand of Firista; if expire in that day become as a Shaheed- Ref: Muntakhab Hadis by Mw. Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi R.B). 3. "Allahumma azirni minannaar"- 7 times (to obviate from hell- Ref: Muntakhab Hadis by Mw. Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi R.B). 4. “Bismillahillaji la ya durru ma’asmihi shaiun fil ardi oala fissamayi oahuassamiul a’lim”- 3 times (to become safe from all sort of noxious of creatures). 5. “Aujubilla himinasshaito nirrozim”-10 times (to protect me from the hoax of devil; one angel will be with the recited person all day long to do that- Ref: Hisne Hasin kitab by Imam Mohammad Al-Zazri). 6. “SubhanAllahil azim oa bihamdihi”- 3 times (to safe myself from three great diseases like paralysis, lunacy, leprosy apprx. –I’ve heard this from Mw. A Matin, Kakrair Maszid) 7. “SubhanAllahi oa bihamdihi a’dada khalkihi oa rido nafsihi oa zhinata a’rshihi oa midada kalimatihi”- after completing the salat of Fazr, by sitting at the same place reciting this- (It’s the equivalent of the sum of all type of Amal after fazr; said by Muhammad sallAllahu alaihi oa sallam- Ref: Fazaele zikir by Shaikhul Hadis Mw Zakaria R.B). 8. “La… ilaha illAllahu oahdahu la… sharikalahu lahul mulk oalahul hamd yuhyi oa yumitu oahua a’la kulli shai-ing kodir”-10 times (to get forgiveness all sin from Allah Tala, though these become as a sea)- Ref: so far as I remember it takes from Muntakhab Hadis_part of zikir by Mw. Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi R.B. 9. 33 times “SubhanAllah”, 33 times “Alhamdulillah”, 34 times “Allahuakbar”- Tasbihe fatemi given by Rasul Muhammad sallAllahu alaihi oa sallam through his daughter to all Ummah- (Ref: Fazaele zikir by Shaikhul Hadis Mw Zakaria R.B). 10. “Ayatul kursi”- 1 time after all Faroz Salat- (Distance between recited person & paradise is decease)- Ref: Muntakhab Hadis_part of zikir by Mw. Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi R.B.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 20:50:03 +0000

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