My essay on Paparazzi: HELP! THEY HAVE STOLEN OUR COUNTRY AND - TopicsExpress


My essay on Paparazzi: HELP! THEY HAVE STOLEN OUR COUNTRY AND BEWITCHED US!!! Nigeria at independence carried so much hope and because of its geographical location, many thought it was the birth of a soon to be World power. More than Fifty years down the line, we have witnessed missed opportunities, failed aspirations, and a dream that did not get off the ground, sadly! The future of any Society and the future prosperity of its people rest in the efficiency of its business people and the politicians who manage its Institutions. The institutions are public enterprises like Government- Federal, State, Local, The Police, Banks, Customs, Print and Electronic media,Professional Sports teams, National Museums and Monuments,National Library etc. The most important of these Institutions is Government as it regulates the others! For there to be proper management of institutions and a Society, the Manager has to think in the future by sacrificing present gratifications that are ephemeral for future gains. The managers of institutions must as of necessity subjugate personal gains to fulfill the goal of the institution. A Society will become decadent and bankrupt where the members of that Society make their personal interest rise above the common interest. When Institutions no longer have the ability to induce its members to sacrifice their own goals and interests for the achievement of that of the Institution, then we have on our hands a Society that has become rudderless, decadent and chaotic and all who depend on that Institution that has fallen into the self serving hands of its members will suffer greatly! Imagine a Police Force that can no longer instill sacrifice in its members to fulfill the duties of the Force. The result is wide spread corruption with enormous suffering on the part of the citizens as we have in Nigeria. Imagine a fast food Restaurant where the employees instead of serving customers, eat the food themselves.Imagine a Bank Managing Director who instead of facilitating the fundings of inventions, commerce, Agriculture, embezzle the funds, buying properties he may never use and financing elections of politicians. Imagine a political class who care more about next election, personal power and the allocation of more funds to them than the people they ought to serve. The above underline the state of the Nigeria Nation-Institutional goals are subordinated to the personal benefit of individual members! Institutions shape our lives, make decisions for the Society, and therefore most critically shape our future. We pretend to practice democracy in Nigeria, so if democracy is defined as Government of the people by the people and for the people, how then can it be explained that Nigerians never get what they want? Can democracy exist in a given Society if the elections in that Society are not free and fair? How can we say the Government is of the people, by the people and for the people when the people cannot be paid a minimum wage of Eighteen thousand Naira a month, yet federal Legislators are said to earn twenty nine million Naira a month??? What the people want is not what the people get, therefore the people do not rule and governance is not to the people’s benefit! The people are not stakeholders and in my view can at best be described as slaves in a land that ought to be theirs. The political class do not care about the votes of the people because they know that the people do not matter, once they get approbation from certain high quarters and special interests, they are home and dry! They no longer have to do what the people want but what these special interests want! Therefore the problems of the people do not get solved, and policies and legislations to favour these special interests or to further their re-election agenda set the Government’s agenda, unfortunately! The Politicians have stolen our Country and sold it to special interest groups in high places in return for cash that they in turn use to stupefy and bewitch the people who helplessly sing ‘rankadede’ to them at every turn. I hereby call on the Nigerian people to LETS GET OUR COUNTRY BACK FROM THESE VANDALS, THE TIME IS NOW!!!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 09:51:52 +0000

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