My goodness what on earth is happening today that folks are coming - TopicsExpress


My goodness what on earth is happening today that folks are coming out of the woodwork asking me questions. I love it! But I sense that there must be some sort of energy out there that this needs to be addressed. As my sista friend trista would say Mediums behaving badly maybe, I do not know. So I am posting this. I hope it helps. Dear Angelina, My name is Monica and I have a question for you. I went to a medium last week and they told me that my son hasnt crossed over and he is not at peace. They want me to attend a séance now or something so they can help my son crossed. I am so distraught. Can you tell me if my son has peace. Do I need to go to this séance? Thank you Monica W Westport CT. Dear Monica, First let me say that I am sending you kind, loving and peaceful thoughts. There is no greater loss than that of child. I will be praying for you and I hope you can feel that I am holding good thoughts for you. You do not need a medium, a psychic or anyone to communicate with your own son. It is wrong for a practitioner to claim they have a hold on your son or can make a spirit cross. I believe when a person dies, they have the comfort and peace of being on the otherside INSTANTLY. I feel if a sensitive or a living love one feels them around , it isnt that they havent crossed. A sensitive MAY be feeling the issues they dealt with. Which sometimes, an underdeveloped medium or a practitioner trying to do many things but not master one, may misinterpret as Oh no! They are stuck, so we need to help them cross. I DO believe that those practitioners can give the living peace about their loved ones but they are really psychics ( sensitive or empaths ) not mediums, who are addressing the grief of the living and not the actual spirit. SO indirectly they help the grieving feel peace but where are they sending these spirits? I guess you would have to address Where is the otherside? I feel the otherside is around us and that is exactly where they go after they pass. Here is some food for thought.. if a medium can help a spirit cross over, which I dont believe is possible because if when someone physically dies they HAVE crossed into peace, Where is this in between place where spirits are stuck? And why would I want you to Send my love one away....they are here in energy and spirit. I believe the otherside is all around us. Any unrest, is a product of the physical and the physical died with the body. The residue energy of a dearly departed left can be felt and that is NOT the person spirit but the negative energy or sadness they left behind. Its like that saying.. you know after there has been an argument. You can cut the tension with a knife. You can feel the energy of the argument but the shouting has stopped. Well residue energy is just that. you can feel the negative issues of a persons journey but it doesnt mean that they are stuck or that energy is what they are feeling now on the otherside. And here is another thought, Do you think a stranger,like a medium, has MORE power to reach or communicate or influence your son or do you have more power? Meaning, dont you think that the love you have for your son is a more powerful tool to reach son and that no medium can tell your son what to do. It is your love and your energy that makes communication possible. So when a Medium makes them cross is it making them go away to the otherside. WHY? So you can not communicate with them anymore. Sorry but how can a medium say go into the light and find peace, do not disturb this plane and then the next BRING them back by communicating with them during a session. That alot of power and ying yang push and pull. Truly your loved ones are a heart beat away. Also, that would mean that a medium has a hold on my loved ones on the otherside. Um sorry to inform those types of mediums but we are not that powerful . We are just microphones. And the only thing we can pick up on is what they may what us to hear if we are developed enough to get it. That is why is it such an honoring when we can give evidence and a message. So my dear Monica you actually have more power to reach you son than I do. Your grief is to overpowering to see that. Which is understandable. I do not know what you are feeling but ....its understandable. So I feel that a medium or in this case , this glorified empathy might have been picking up psychically your feelings of being stuck in your grief and your worries that your son didnt complete what you feel he should have in short life here. I feel the otherside is around us and the main purpose of a true spiritual medium is to honor the messages with evidence that the other side is saying. We have no power as mediums but we are empowered with only how much ability we have developed. Your son is with you. He knows your thoughts, he knows your feeling and Spirit knows the truth. Take time to sit with your sons energy. Honor what you see hear or feel from with in. And then ask him to validate that with a physical sign. God bless you and I am holding supportive thoughts for you Angelina Diana
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 00:55:04 +0000

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