My governorship ambition - Ibrahim Shehu - TopicsExpress


My governorship ambition - Ibrahim Shehu Gusau: ___________ Indeed, I still have the intention. In 2007, I vied for the governorship of Zamfara State under the platform of the PDP. However, due to the calculation at that time, I was asked to allow a certain zone to produce the candidate. From our group, we knew that candidate might not make it. But due to our loyalty to the party, we allowed that to happen. Eventually that candidate lost the election, which means PDP lost the election in the state. We couldn’t produce a governor. That was already a warning to the PDP to know that you have to look for the person on ground, the person who has the support of the people that will make your party deliver. Coming to my chances, there are three senatorial zones in each state. The senatorial zone that the current governor comes from has already produced a twoterm governor who is in the APC, Senator Ahmed Yarima. He spent eight years as a governor. The current governor is on the seat spending another four years, making 12 years. The other zone, which is the Kaura Namoda zone, has produced Mahmud Shinkafi, who spent four years. In the total of this dispensation, which is 16 years, our zone, the central zone has not produced a governor yet. Again, it will interest you to know that I came to the National Assembly with about 122,900 votes. That was not a small number of votes. You are aware of the results of the elections that were held in Anambra State. If an honourable member can come to the House from just two local governments, with 122,900 votes, this will tell you in no small measure the popularity of that candidate. This time around, the central zone is saying after 16 years of watching and not producing governors, it is our time to produce a governor; this is why we think even if we go to primaries, we expect to perform better and pick a ticket...
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 10:22:12 +0000

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