My heart is so heavy right now for the lost of my cousin Michelle. - TopicsExpress


My heart is so heavy right now for the lost of my cousin Michelle. She is one of my closest cousins on both sides of my family (mother side and father side). She will be missed by many of us that love you dearly. But we have to be strong and know that God makes no mistakes. Michelle, I know that you are in a far better place now, all that I ask is that you please tell Grandma (Freddie Mae Jackson) and Papa Squirrel that I said hello and I will see ya’ll when I get there. In the midst of all of this, “They” have started back to talking again. “They” say why Lisa crying and why she acting likes that. For all those that are worried about Lisa and going around talking about Lisa. Please BELIEVE that Michelle and I were very close, we spoke almost every other day and seen each other at least once a week if not more. She came to my house and I went to her house. We rode together, cried together, laughed together, went to church, and even ate together. And for “Those”, that don’t know what they are talking about if you were there, you would know how our relationship was. “They” want to talk about me only, because “They” are feeling guilty themselves. “They” say Lisa wasn’t at the hospital and she didn’t visit, get it right if it wasn’t for Lisa calling “They” wouldn’t have known she was in the hospital. “They” need to stop because this is not the time for all of this. I am so glad that I am not fake and not going to put on a show for anyone. “They” can continue to talk all that “they” want, because at the end of day God, Me, and Michelle, knew what kind of relationship that we had. There is no need to try and come around being fake now like everything is all good. “They” better get back and Try God.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 20:27:37 +0000

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