My latest RANT. Why The working class Americans vote for the - TopicsExpress


My latest RANT. Why The working class Americans vote for the Republican party amazes me. The Republican party always blame the Democrat Party for what they are actually doing..... The Republican party says Democrats help the wealthy... That Democratic Presidents take more vacations. That Democrats use the executive order too often. That Democrats dont support the Troops. That Democrats dont support our Veterans. That Democrats dont care about College Tuition Loans. That Democrats dont protect our Embassies. That Democrats Spend more. That Democrats give Amnesty. That Democrats are gonna take away your guns. That Democrats are shutting down the government. That Democrats dont create Jobs. That the Democrats hate the working class. The truth is the government is always better off with a Democrat in office. Taxes are constitutional. And have to be implemented on the people. Democrats are trying to make the wealthy take over that burden that the Working class has been enduring since Ronald Reagan Era. The Democrats have always cared about the people, the 99% more than the wealthiest 1%. Its reflective in our policies. The Democrats fight to get welfare for the people...Unemployment Insurance for the people... Democrats fought to get the elderly Medicare. Democrats fought to create Social Security for the working class. Democrats have a better record on job creation by nearly a 3:1 ratio. The Democrats have led as Commander in Chief in nearly every major war in our countrys history. The economy is always better under a Democrat. Democrats have fought hard for young college students as well. And for Womens rights. Not just their right to choose but for equal pay for equal work....why a woman would vote for the Republican party knowing they dont think women deserve equal pay... should be the boss of their own bodies... to know when they have been raped.... to know they are disrespected by Republicans on a daily basis baffles me. And Yet some People will blindly vote these Republican idiots into office. They fall for Election Time Rhetoric instead of looking at the history... their voting record. The easy things to research. But instead they like the words and they want to believe them. So they fall for it over and over again. History truly proves ALL of these things. They arent just comments. The proof is in the history of our nation... look it up. Do some research before you blindly accept what Fox News says. Then and only then should you vote.... be a smart American... be a well informed American... be what the Republicans hate.... an Educated Voter.... oh how they hate an Educated Voter.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 08:09:37 +0000

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