My letter to the editor of the LJ Tribune Democrat: Did you - TopicsExpress


My letter to the editor of the LJ Tribune Democrat: Did you know that marijuana is legal in La Junta? Thats right, it is now a constitutional right for everyone over the age of 21. The city of La Juntas ban does nothing to stop that. The ban merely denies a regulated market. I never wanted to be our towns Poster Boy for Pot. I merely wanted city council to have the discussion on what we should do about it. And allow the citizens to decide how we move forward as a community. I asked for a vote of the people. I never expected the circus that followed. We made national headlines. And none of them showed us as a progressive town trying to solve a problem. They showed a bumbling town stuck with the good-ol-boy system. And my face was on the cover of every story. Poof!!! I became our towns Poster Boy For Pot. Yes, Ive felt some negative repercussions over it. But for the most part, it has been a positive experience. Suddenly I became the go-to guy for people with questions about marijuana. And hearing some of their stories has changed my life. From the little old lady wondering if it would help with her arthritis. To the girl with MS. To the guy watching his mom rot away from cancer. Hearing them come back and say Thank you. Nothing else was working, and marijuana has given them relief It was from hearing that, that I picked up that badge and now wear it with pride. You may not like marijuana. Thats OK. But does your personal prejudice justify keeping those sick people from a safe alternative to pharmaceutical poisons? Ive also seen the other side of the coin on the retail sales. I see all the money and jobs the marijuana industry is offering. Ive talked with quite a few entrepreneurs wanting to invest in our town. I see Southeast Colorado hovering around a 22% unemployment rate. And I ask why have we turned our backs on those much needed jobs and also that much needed tax revenue. If La Junta votes to allow marijuana. We will be eligible to receive the benefits of Colorados Mj program. Without even opening one store we will receive .15% of the entire states tax revenue. Which are estimated to hit $60 million this year. That would add up to $90,000 for La Junta. We will also be included in the states teen prevention program and all the cash and resources that come with that. Projections of sales tax that would be collected in La Junta is estimated at $215,000 per year. Trinidad has recently opened up their marijuana market and they are expecting to add up to 300 jobs within the next two years. Ill admit that my intentions arent completely selfless. I would love to open a company that makes the cannabis oil medicine that is being used to fight cancer and battle epilepsy/seizures. I can legally make it right now. But Id love to be able to make some money from doing it. And Im willing to jump through all the hoops and regulations as well as pay all the taxes to do so. It truly is a labor of love for me and I will continue to make that medicine regardless of this elections outcome. As it is my constitutional right. The biggest justifiable concern Ive heard is WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS?. Well, the CDC released a study showing that,where regulated, teen use has stayed stagnant or declined. No one on either side of the argument wants kids to have access to marijuana. But, is voting no, and leaving it on the street the best answer to keeping it out of kids hands? Johny drug dealer doesnt care if your kid is old enough.... But a regulated store wont even let him/her in the door. Lets get it off the street. And bring in a state funded prevention program. Tuesday, we as a community have the chance to decide how we move forward. Marijuana is already here in La Junta. The Black Market is flooded with the stuff. The Horse is out of the barn. Its up to you weather we ignore that fact and continue to let him run free. Or do we reign him in and build a fence? The choice is ours. If you havent already, GO VOTE!!!!! SINCERELY TIM KLOB
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 21:40:10 +0000

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