My life in L&D has really been very interesting! I have seen so - TopicsExpress


My life in L&D has really been very interesting! I have seen so many differences between my last place in St. Louis and this new one in Maryland. Both are high risk facilities and both deliver about the same amount of babies monthly. They both cater to the same type of population and the age of the facilities is very similar. The differences are SOOO many though. The cafeteria here is AWFUL and I thought the one in St. Louis was bad! I LOVE having nurse midwives. They are awesome! I REALLY miss having residents around though. SLU residents are AWSOME and I have worked with some of the best OB residents around. St. Louis lets everyone and their uncle in the labor room, but this place limits to 2 which I really like. I miss carrying a good phone with me! I really complained about that phone when it first arrived in St. Louis, but I learned it comes in very handy. I LOVED being able to place internal monitors in St. Louis! I hate having to wait on a physician or Midwife to get around to it. I HATED that new accucheck machine in St. Louis because you have to sync it so often but I also hate the one here almost as much. I LOVE LOVE LOVE EPIC and I HATE Cerner. Whoever designed Cerner should be punished big time. SO SO stupid to use. I HATE that this new place puts 40mg of Magnesium in 1000ml of LR and uses it for the bolus as well as the maintenance which is VERY dangerous. They do NOT label anything or require a witness but they do need a witness for insulin which confuses me. I like the med machine here a lot better than Pyxis. I HATE that they use 10cc syringes for everything even if you only need 0.5ml of something (big waste). They use Insyte IVs here which I LOVE! NO tube system here is a big bummer! But at least the scrub tech runs all the labs. They call instruments here by other names which is confusing! None of the nurses here scrub and they think it is strange that I can. The nurses here are awesome and very helpful which is the same for St. Louis. I am very glad about that. However!!!! I really miss the wonderful charge nurses in St. Louis who go to all deliveries and are so helpful on the unit. I still do not know what the ones here do accept for sitting by the secretary and chatting. Cafeteria in St. Louis is soo much better which tells you how awful the one here is! OH!!! They have a scrub machine here which is irritating! and the shirts do NOT have pockets accept that stupid on on the left breast. When you bend over everything falls out. I miss ascom phones which is strange because I used to hate them. I now realize how useful they are. They have security tags for the babies here which is nice but when they go off everyone assumes it is a "glitch" so people ignore it (Not very safe in my opinion). NO required call here! They do NOT require rotating here. Since I am contract I get to have whatever shifts I want and do NOT have to do Holidays unless I want to. Parking here is NOT free but since I am contract mine is. St. Louis has an awesome triage! Security here is WAY better, they actually come right away when you call. The L&D manager actually comes out and does patient care at times and the management is very "hands on" and available. The differences go on and on! At least babies are still born basically the same way though! Reading monitor strips is still the same. It has been very good for me to see what is on the other side of the fence. I am learning a lot.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 22:44:54 +0000

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