My luck with checkout lines is not good to say the least but - TopicsExpress


My luck with checkout lines is not good to say the least but tonight I thought the gods had smiled on me. I make my way from the frozen food section at my local food lion and start to find a reasonably short enough line for around 5pm and just a couple of days before thanksgiving. I keep pushing my little cart getting closer to the end of my options when there, the last line I come too there is hope! 4 people and all with 1 to 3 items per person! the line moves along at a more than acceptable pace until the gentleman in front of me with 1 bag o celery begins to check out. Cashier types in his little code and the total comes to $1.83. Guy says I thought it was supposed to be .99 cents? Oh hell, trouble is brewing over a freaking bag of celery!? Thoughts of managers and cashiers running around trying to verify prices are already bombarding my mind. How long is this gonna take!?! My bad luck has struck again!!! But wait! The cashier replies calmly do you have an MVP card? at which point celery boy breaks out his wallet and removes his MVP card and hands it to the cashier who promptly the swipes the card and lo and behold......99 cents!! Whooohoooooo, my would be hero Mr. cashier guy has saved the day! I say would be hero because this is where the worm turns. The grand total after tax is?...... $1.04 Now I know what your thinking, celery boy goes ape shit over the difference right? Wrong. The guy hands the cashier $5 and?....... .05 cents. Please no, not this!!! I see the veins start to swell along the cashiers temples as he contemplates counting this out. I see him pull out 4 $1 bills but wait whats all that change he is counting!? He pauses as if he is realizing the error of his ways when suddenly, HE PUTS A DOLLAR BACK IN THE REGESTER AND CLOSES IT!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Now celery boy who is an older gentleman starts to explain to the cashier that he gave him a $5 bill and a nickel. After several attempts at this the cashier says wait, I was thinking you gave me a $1 and .05? WHAT!?!? I think to myself. So your gonna give him $3 and ninety something cents back!?!? This is where celery boy says quite calmly lets take a look at your receipt The cashier however is still not getting it so the guy with the celery leans over and says you owe me $4.01. trying not to make they guy feel bad I guess. Even after this it takes the cashier at least 45 seconds to process this! Of course apologies all around and the guy behind me tries to help out by blaming it on the change in the weather! Thanks pal but I really need this conversation along with this experience to end now!! And people wonder why I stay at home and rarely go out? Why, because there are more and more people like cashier boy every day!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:36:47 +0000

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