My message to Ms. Wanda - TopicsExpress


My message to Ms. Wanda Halbert ___________________________________________________ From: Vernell Stepter [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2014 12:14 AM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Your Diamond or your Salt: Corrected E-mail address for Ms Halbert: Ms. Halbert: You have unexpectedly become a link in the chain that has the potential of killing the future of many City of Memphis Employees. You made a proclamation of the 2014 New Year to “Shine like a Diamond”. You said it on your Facebook Page in January. You hit the ground running, and In February 2014, you attended a meeting that was comprised of locked out workers, their families and representatives from Kellogg’s Company. You made public appearances at many rallies and programs to make others personally familiar with you, and to take advantage of Photo Ops, as the whisper of your running for Criminal Court Clerk was heard in distant winds. One of your statements after attending the Kellogg’s Company meeting was that the truth was forthcoming and that the lock out was not about salaries or benefits. What is the truth behind your mental-reversal on fairness for all City of Memphis Employees, Ms. Halbert? You created a façade that you were favorable to the fair treatment of all City of Memphis Employees and Retirees. Was this a deceptive tactic in your quest for Shelby County Criminal Court Clerk? If so, I can understand; because 2014 was an election year for you on that accord. As elections go, we all know that outcome. You walk into the Council Chambers with your shoulders back and head not bowed. You don’t talk loud or jump about when it is your turn to speak. That said, I should feel proud when you walk by or speak, but instead, I now feel a great disappointment in the person who once seemed mindful of her constituents (whether they lived in your District or not) and the employees of the City of Memphis. You seem to have become a broken person, and it shows. Did your run for Shelby County Criminal Court Clerk, calm the wind in your sails, or did your mind set “morph”, because when you walk into a room, people do not fall to their knees or swarm around you like a hive of bees? You seem to be excessively proud of yourself; after all, if you don’t who will? You are kind of cute, though! Just saying. Ms. Halbert; how well do we remember that two Memphis Police Commanding Officers made a critical decision regarding your son, to issue a Misdemeanor Citation and not arrest him, at 919 S. Highland in June 2009, due to their respect for you. The same year that you were a candidate for Interim Mayor (as a “Change Agent”). After a Police Internal Investigation, the two Commanding Officers were punished by Demotions to their previous lower ranks. Several of the officers on that scene were Rookie Patrolmen. You were adamant that one of the Rookie Officers said unfavorable things about you to your son, which made you very upset and you are probably carrying that resentment inside of your soul today. You never heard the officer speak those words, but you believed what your son told you; well, he is your son. Your proposal to eliminate some of the present city Employees on the current pension system would include many of the Officers who had to deal with your son in June 2009 on S. Highland, who happened to be rookies at that time. This is very suspicious of you, Ms. Halbert and you can’t deny that fact. As is watched you make your proposal on the news on Tuesday at 10:00 P.M., I noticed that you seemed very nervous, as if you were hesitant about what you were about to say. The conscious of a “God Fearing” Woman, as you seem to be, can quickly reach out and touch you, can’t it! As your 2014 proclamation to “Shine like a Diamond” seems to have lost its’ clarity, what kind of rock is your diamond made of? Have a great holiday season, Ms. Halbert. Vernell Stepter, III City of Memphis Retiree.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 15:10:38 +0000

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