My mother Roz had a lot of #Wisdom. ] Following are related - TopicsExpress


My mother Roz had a lot of #Wisdom. ] Following are related notes: Alice Rosamond King Lynch taught 2nd grade in Uxbridge Mass for 37 year, She was brought up as a Yankee to be polite and kind. Roz taught: do your fair share of work. This included volunteering to do work when visiting others. Primarily she meant cleaning and caring for the household. We learned how to run the vacuum cleaner by about age 3 or 4. How Thorough should you Work Be? It is okay to sometimes do work that she called, giving it the old one, two. With vacuuming as an example. It meant going over the same spot on the rug. At least 2 times. We know that does not clean up all of the dirt. A thorough cleaning is different. She had us do so once a week. You vacuum every visible spot many times to do that. More thorough within that is a spring cleaning. Then, likely we shampoo the rug and scrape up any spots. Use spot remover when needed. Clean all the silver. (She loved her silver forks and spoons so much that her normal daily silver was cleaned many times per year. Her fancy silver, we cleaned once per year.) Work Therapy is what my mother, Roz, always recommended when something was bothering you. An example is when a person you love dies, grief. She would say Go chop some wood. Do some tasks that grabs you that causes you to Focus. Some might even find that vacuuming the house qualifies. Sewing and similar activities like model building require a clear focus and can qualify as Work Therapy. Your Worry or Grief gets displaced. You have a break from it for a while. Meditate. You may want to start this after you have at least partially conquered Worry. If you have real problems with worry, then I recommend that you get that free demonstration tape from a Lucinda Bassett. In that tape, she describes enough for you to then take action if what I have presented here is not sufficient. Principles I have learned from my mother, Roz can help to not Worry. Be a peacemaker. Love God. Be humble. It does not matter how smart you are or how much wealth you have, each person is of equal value in the eyes of God. No tooting your own horn. Portions of the Bible my mother loved the most include: oh be joyful to the Lord, all ye lands. Seek the Lord and his goodness. It is Psalm 100. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall see God. It is found in the Sermon on the Mount, the subset is called the Beattitudes. Jesus lists for us, each of the Attitudes, Principles that help us to love God. Never complain. If you have a problem, then discuss it. Next do something about it. If you cannot do anything about it, then dont bother to mention it. It does not help anyone else to complain. To Complain is to repeat the negative issue with no focus on a solution. For context and an example, Roz had terrible headaches every day, Migraine Headaches. When she got home from school, her blood sugar was low; she had hypoglycemia. The top of her head hurt so much that he put her hand on it to cause a mild amount of relief. She ate candy from her candy drawer for short-term relief. Yet, she never complained about her headaches. Give praise where it is due. Her 2nd grade school children, whom she taught for 37 years, loved her gold stars, other rewards and her praises. At home, she often said: go to the head of the class! You are a peach. Are there any more at home like you?
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 12:32:08 +0000

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