My number is 15--thank you Heather! Oh my! 1. I am a post-it - TopicsExpress


My number is 15--thank you Heather! Oh my! 1. I am a post-it note and list person. It is an incredible high and feeling of accomplishment to cross things off lists, and I flounder and am unfocused when I do not make a list or write a note. 2. I am nervous speaking in front of people (even in small meetings), and even though I dont hurl like I used to when I had to do it, I have and always do dig my nails into the sides of my thumbs/nail area, oftentimes enough that they bleed without me realizing it. 3. I have a fascination with manger scenes. My Grandma Sheffield had a beautiful one sitting on a drop-leaf table in her living room that I used to just stare at for hours. The other lights would be off in the room except for the tree and the star light in the manger, and I would sit on the floor underneath the edge of the table and just be mesmerized by it, and then lie down with a blanket and just imagine myself there as well. Manger scenes are amazing and magical. Now that shes passed, I was fortunate enough to get it, and I still do the same thing. It usually brings a tear or two remembering her because I miss her so much, but after the tears, then nothing but peace. BTW--I have like 5 or 6 different manger scenes up during the holiday season! 4. I read 4 or 5 books or long articles at the same time. They are in different locations and serve different purposes, but I struggle when I am only currently reading one thing. If I am not reading, then I am writing in one of the dozens of yellow legal pads I have on my desk and around the house. 5. My undergrad degree was in Pre-Law, International Business, and Spanish with the intent of becoming an agent in the FBI. Getting married and having kids wasnt particularly conducive to that career choice, so I moved on to other things. I still have a fascination of all things investigative, though--NCIS and Criminal Minds feed that fascination lol. 6. The song Tears of a Clown has been a mantra for me most of my life as I have struggled with tremendous self-doubt and maybe a smidge of depression, especially when the sun disappears for the winter. Sooooo many blessings and positives to focus on, though, so it makes the down times much more manageable. 7. I only have 3 sets of aunts and uncles and 5 first cousins, and of the two cousins that are girls, one is much older and one much younger than me, so it was typically me and the boys (I have one brother). Between that and my very athletic father, I was destined to be a tomboy lol. 8. My husband has 10 brothers and sisters, and many of those have large families, children, and grandchildren. Needless to say, in-law family gatherings are fun but incredibly overwhelming for me! (see #7) 9. I love education in the sense that I never want to stop learning. In addition to the 3 areas of my undergrad degree, I grabbed another in English and a Masters in Education. God-willing, I plan to start my PhD program in Global Educational Pedagogy in either January or late spring, and after that, I still want to pursue a J.D. Degree-seeking or not, I just think its cool to learn. I can manage somewhat adequately in 4 or 5 languages, and am learning phrases in 5 or 6 more. Mastery of each of those is on my bucket list, as is travel to those areas. I want to read and absorb everything I can get my hands on, because someday that information may be helpful to me or someone in need, and I want to be prepared. 10. Everyone in my immediate family went into education, so I vowed I would not as I was different than them....says the 18 year old me. The (much older and wiser!) me realizes now how ridiculously short-sighted the 18 year old me. My parents gave my brother and I a gift--not in the sense that it was something wrapped in pretty paper with a bow--but a gift nonetheless. They taught us to love fellow man, and that helping someone else should be a part of everyday life. They showed genuine kindness and compassion toward their students, and constantly went above and beyond for each of their students. It wasnt something outward, but instead, just the way they lived their lives and the example they set for my brother and me. If I can ever become even half the educator that they were or that my brother is now, I will consider it a victory. BTW--since returning to the workforce after being a stay at home mom, what do I do---the very thing that 18 year old mess said I wouldnt do--I teach. The way I look at it, you can only be either part of the problem or part of the solution, so following in their footsteps, I want to be a solution person!! 11. I spend a lot of my day trying to maximize effort in the sense that I try to get as many tasks done as efficiently as possible (small ex: take recycling out to the garage, feed pets in garage, and grab something out in the freezer to bring in to thaw for dinner, and then come back into the house...all in the same 2 minute trip, instead of making 3 separate trips). I think I am obsessed with this type of planning, and I know it drives my husband nuts because he cannot just get up to do something without me tacking on another task for on the way or the way back lol. 12. Music is extremely cathartic to me. Its mood altering and effort changing, and evokes emotion in me like almost nothing else does. Whether its a praise song during worship at church, a song with ties to special memories, or an athletic warm-up jam, music gets me moving, drives me to push forward, and brings me to tears on a daily basis. 13. I absolutely dislike scary movies, and I only like to ride roller coasters that have over the shoulder harnesses and not just lap belts....fear of that feeling of rising up out of the seat, etc. 14. I try to introduce myself to at least one new food each year. I was a pretty picky eater when I was a child, so I am determined to correct that (and many other!) character flaws. For example, I disliked tomatoes. In my head that didnt make sense since I loved everything (sauces, soups, etc) with tomatoes in it, so a while ago, I decided that would be my trial for the year. It took a few dozen times, but I can eat tomatoes in and on many things now:) Some foods are easier than others to acquire a taste for, but I am happy that one can get an old dog to do a new trick lol. 15. I am an absolute sports freak, which can sometimes be a bad thing given that most (not all, or course, but most) women do not find it in any way appealing to break down game film (especially football), and most guys find it very weird that a girl would enjoy that. I love watching sports and playing sports, and would still not hesitate to dive for a ball in the mud (during the mud volleyball tournament) or slide into a base, head first or feet first makes no difference. Thankfully I have an off the charts pain tolerance! It may take a few more days recovery time given that I am old and out of shape, but the heart to go 110% is still there lol. I am literally in a euphoric state during the Olympics or March Madness, especially when the multiple networks have events televised all the time. I am smiling just thinking about the fact that both of those things will be happening in the next few months!! I know that most of this makes me look like an incredibly bizarre person, and I would have to agree! However, I would also agree that I have been blessed with the most amazing children, family, friends, co-workers, and opportunities, so my uniqueness must be okay in the eyes of the One who forgives me daily and does the blessing!!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 14:38:52 +0000

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