My prayers go out to these officers families. It is heartbreaking - TopicsExpress


My prayers go out to these officers families. It is heartbreaking indeed. As a Christian, I feel there is often a perception that because you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, that it is going to be smooth sailing from then on. God loved us enough to give us free will - and with that the knowledge of good and evil. And why bad things happen to good people is a difficult thing to sit with, but we live in a world that is right now under the influence of evil influences who are working overtime, because they know their days are numbered by God, who is the ultimate Supreme Being. I dont want to get into a religion discussion, I am just sharing my thoughts. I just learned that officer Ramos, was not only a dedicated member of the Christ Tabernacle Church in RIdgewood, NY, where I went to once in a while, but he had a heart after Gods will and wanted to become a Chaplain. I also learned that officer Liu, was not supposed to be there in that car on Saturday with Officer Ramos. No, he actually volunteered to sit in for Officer Ramoss regular partner, who was running late. How does one explain that tragedy on one hand, and the blessing on the other that Officer Ramos normal partner did not get assassinated that day? It is reminiscent of the 9/11 attacks in NYC. Some ran one way while others ran elsewhere, some died, some survived, some where told not to leave their building because they would be safer there, and of course, they werent, as we all now know. So as we say our prayers tonite, please continue to pray for Officer Ramos and Lius families as they deal with their losses, and pray for the Officer who would have been in that vehicle but wasnt, and what he is wrestling with, and of course pray for the Christ Tabernacle Church family as they grieve the loss of one of their own members. May God bring peace to our cities, states, nations, regions, continents, world, universe, because we are spinning out of control. May God in His goodness shower us with His grace, and pour out mercy on every human being, that they might hear the Voice of Goodness, and reject the call to evil. Thats all I have to share about this........ So tragic.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:43:51 +0000

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