My question is about this article that appeared today on NBC News. - TopicsExpress


My question is about this article that appeared today on NBC News. It states that the cause of the seiche waves in Norway two years ago was the Japan Earthquake. As the Zetas have said other seiche events were a combination of wobble related and natural wind related, is this the same for this event? zetatalk/index/zeta461.htm If it is just natural, why take two years to announce the findings? Are they preparing for similar type events to become common now that the wobble is getting very strong? Perhaps the timing has something to so with similar articles like the ones in the question above. [and from another] nbcnews/science/norways-weird-waves-traced-japan-quake-6C10946754 [and from another] A seiche is a standing wave in an enclosed or partially enclosed body of water. Seiches and seiche-related phenomena have been observed on lakes, reservoirs, swimming pools, bays, harbors and seas. The key requirement for formation of a seiche is that the body of water be at least partially bounded, allowing the formation of the standing wave. One of the many signs that Planet X is in the vicinity has been the global shuttering, often happening at regular times of day, and likewise often following major quakes. The live seismometers worldwide go black. When Planet X arrived in the inner solar system they showed up twice a day, when the Atlantic Rift was tugged back by Planet X and when the rift was in opposition on the dark side of the Earth. The cover-up over the presence of Planet X, aka Nibiru, quickly reduced the sensitivity of the seismographs. The establishment was pressed to explain this pattern, and stonewalled. Now that the announcement is planned, scientists are anxious to discuss the Earth changes openly, able at last to put aside the long list of topics they have not been allowed to discuss except behind closed doors and in hushed terms. Seiche, where standing waves are formed in an enclosed body of water outside of any influence by tides, can be a result of the jiggling that causes the seismometers to go black. The Earth’s plate touch one another, and transfer jolts, and the Earth’s magma likewise transfers a type of sloshing motion after large quakes and plate adjustments. All very logical, and the 2 year delay in reporting this just another sign that the announcement is close.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 17:13:17 +0000

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