My sunday morning tip foe Jayden Panella & for anyone who cares - TopicsExpress


My sunday morning tip foe Jayden Panella & for anyone who cares about high scoring & winning take it or leave it :) Spares are the foundation of bowling. In today’s high-powered game where lane conditions & super reactive bowling balls Spares are not given the attention they require. It is great to have eight or nine strikes in a game however when the other frames are missed the 250 game can easily become a 210. Here are some things to. Consider when Sparing. First of all, you must learn to take your time, it is frustrating leaving a corner pin on a good shot but just going up and bowling the spare shot without thinking about it is as good as throwing pins away. Take a deep breath, think about where you want to line up for the spare, and take your shot, never take a shot without having thought about it first. A great strike shot won’t count for much if every four or five in a row is linked with two or three missed Spares. Spares have always been the foundation to a good solid game and always will be. When leaving single pin Spares it is best to bowl a straight ball, the more boards you cover, the more chance there is for the reactive ball to hook erratically, It is worthwhile considering a spare system that incorporates bowling a straight ball, after all the only goal for a Spares is to make that spare not how pretty it looks.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 01:12:54 +0000

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