My wife and I were having a discussion a short while ago about one - TopicsExpress


My wife and I were having a discussion a short while ago about one of the Catholic prayers recited during the rosary. It is the one that is started as follows, Holy Mary, mother of God.... I was raised as a Catholic up until the age of about 15 years old. One day I told my mother that I was going to look for another church to go to. She told me that it was fine as long as I was seeking the Lord. I have my reasons for leaving the Catholic faith which is irrelevant at the moment. But I was on a spiritual quest to find the truth about if there really was a God and if He really had a plan for my life. I was at a point in my life where I was so spiritually confused and tired of living the way I was, and I honestly wanted to change and serve God, if there was a God. I remember crying out to Him and asking Him to show Himself to me and to let me know that He was there. He knew (knows) my heart and knows that I was truly and honestly searching for Truth. For the next 20 years or so as I went through life in a whirlwind of uncertainty, in and out of prison, through all sorts of difficulties, trials and plain stupidity the Lord was at work shaping me (and still is). Regardless of what stage I was in, I never forgot about God. I still read my bible daily. I still prayed and cried out to Him. I was on a mission to kill myself while He was on a mission to give me life. I wanted to die but, only because I had such a desire to live. In 2006 I was sent back to prison on a 8 year sentence. I had just finished doing 10 years day for day. It was my 5th time to prison since the age of 17. While I was in prison that time I engulfed myself into finding out what the truth was. By this time I was certain that God did exist and He did have a plan for me in this life. I was just so confused about what Gods Word really said. I had gone through numerous religions/denominations and everyone of them said that their interpretation was the true way. So I remember asking God to show me [His] interpretation of what the Bible really said. I was tired of being misled and I wanted so badly to have a relationship with Him, to change my life-style, to serve Him and bring Him honor, glory, and praise. God knows the heart of man and He surely knew mine and He knew that I was sincere and my heart was bleeding with a un-relatable desire to change. For the following 6 years I immersed myself studying the scriptures, praying, and totally giving myself to Him. I would spend at least 8 hours a day studying. Sometimes upward of 15 hours. He was opening up my eyes to so much in His Word that it would blow my mind daily. I found out what it meant to fall in love with my Savior. I guess I shared all that to say that today I just will not believe anything someone tells me if its not biblically based. If you can show me in the Bible where it says whatever your claim is, fine, there is room for discussion. But at the same time, God has given me a spirit, a gift of discernment and understanding and today a person cant just come up to me and claim the bible says so and so and I just go along with it. I dont claim to know everything that is written in scripture, but God through His Spirit has showed me so much and has showed me how to find out if whatever claim is out there is biblical or not. So my wife is Catholic. And thats fine. I have nothing against the Catholic faith, but I do have issue with some of their teachings. I also have issue with some teachings of the Church of Christ, the Pentecostal Church, Baptist Church, and just about every denomination that teaches things that are not biblically based, because it misleads people, it confuses people. You are probably asking, So what denomination are you? Im non-denominational. I belong to no denomination/religion. I go by what the Bible says. I attend Mid- Cities Church. They teach the Bible. Not religion. Theres people of all denominations go there. Anyway, back to the prayer. I believe it is blasphemous to call Mary, the mother of God. She was the mother of Jesus the man, not of God. God has no beginning. Has no end. So how can He have a mother? To say that Mary is the mother of God is to call God a liar and that my friend is dangerous and blasphemous. Yes the Bible says that Jesus is God, but we have to put everything in its context. Jesus is God in the context of the triune Spirit i.e. the Trinity, just .like Jesus is the Holy Spirit. Dont take my word for anything I say, pray and ask God to give you understanding and guidance, then study for yourself. We have been mislead in so much and we are not accountable for the things which we were not aware were not so. But, we are accountable for the things we are aware of...and from this day forward you are aware that saying Mary is the mother of God is just not so. Beware of what you say amen to. Make sure you know what you are saying amen to before you say it. Mary has her role in the Bible. It clearly says that throughout all generations she will be called blessed. She played a very important role in humanity and in the plan of salvation. If she had not consented to the calling of God to bear the Savior of the world, it would have changed everything dramatically. Yes, she is a saint. So is every spirit-filled believer of Christ Jesus. She is blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of her womb...Jesus. But she is not the mother of God and to claim that she is to call upon yourself the wrath of God. I can biblically back up anything I have wrote.. is there anyone out there who can biblically back up the claim that she is the mother of God? If Im wrong I honestly want to know the truth. My hearts desire has been to know the Truth for over 30 years. Be safe and have a godly day. May the Lord Christ Jesus bless and keep you all this day.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 09:24:53 +0000

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