N.S. lobster crisis getting worse A Nova Scotia seafood company - TopicsExpress


N.S. lobster crisis getting worse A Nova Scotia seafood company is calling on the provincial fisheries minister to assist fisherman during the ongoing lobster glut. With the current market flooded with lobster, buyers are now trying to keeping excess lobster alive until it can be sold. More than a thousand crates of lobster are now in storage at Louisbourg Seafoods in Cape Breton. Both buyers and fishermen continue waiting for a glut in the market to subside so product can be moved. On Monday, company management wrote Nova Scotias fisheries minister, asking that more be done. We’re asking him to come immediately. Talk to us, so that we can work through this, and capture whats left of the season for the fishermen and for us,” says Dannie Hanson. And also put something in place, a marketing strategy for Cape Breton lobster. So that next year, this doesnt happen again and again. Hanson blames the glut on a bumper catch in the South Shore and says some of his lobsters are dying in crates during rainfall. The lobster influx is being felt in many markets, which have seen prices drop. Fishermen on the Eastern Shore and in the Gulf of St. Lawrence are now being imposed with quotas.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 15:11:57 +0000

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