NBC news has on their banner telling police to show caution to the - TopicsExpress


NBC news has on their banner telling police to show caution to the peaceful protestors. First of all the protestors are not being peaceful. Nobama kept saying how the police has to work with the community. How about the community working with the police dept. And this so called leader of ours and NBC says the grand jury failed to indict the police officer. Not that the grand jury did not have enough evidence to indict the officer. They FAILED to indict him. I have not said much about this but I am tired of hearing how bad the black community has been discriminated against. I did not see anybody making these animals totally demolish a police car on national tv. Im tired of people playing the racism card whenever someone has a different view than they do Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty. This is a terrible tragedy that may not have happened if people would have more respect for the law and the people who are trying their best to uphold the law. Yesterday I watched meet the press. Rudy Giuliani was a panelist along with two African Americans. Giuliani waited politely for his turn to talk. Once he started talking and gave some facts and refuted the other panelists those panelists began to interrupt him repeatedly and talk over him so he could not even be heard. Total disrespectful attitude. No wonder why we have the problems we do in this country. Rant over!!!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:42:42 +0000

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