NEED MORE FAITH? ARE YOU SURE? Check this out, by Brother - TopicsExpress


NEED MORE FAITH? ARE YOU SURE? Check this out, by Brother Jeffrey Stewart: We stagger at the idea of literal mountain moving faith. Some try to say Jesus was speaking metaphorically, that He did not really mean that we could command literal mountains be cast into the sea, that the mountains Jesus spoke of are symbolic of problems or obstacles in life. Even many of todays FAITH teachers teach this. The Lord would share the following points on this matter: . Though Jesus referred to mountains most of the time when He spoke about a person with the faith the size of a mustard seed being able to command a mountain be cast into the sea, ONE TIME the Lord Jesus used a sycamore tree as an example. (Luke 17:6) Thats because the Holy Spirit knew men would try to explain away what Jesus said as being a metaphor due to unbelief. So one time the Holy Spirit led Jesus to use a tree as an example, because no one would think of a tree as being a metaphor for an obstacle or problem. Therefore Jesus was indeed referring to us being able to command literal mountains be cast into the sea, if we have the faith the size of a mustard seed, and do not doubt. . In the Old Testament, we see a person with faith MUCH LARGER than that of a mustard seed: Joshua. Joshua commanded the SUN and the MOON to STOP in the sky, and they did. Since a planetary body is MANY TIMES larger than any earthly mountain, Joshua walked in much greater faith than is required to command a mountain to be cast into the sea. . Joshuas faith was much larger than that of a mustard seed. And if you look into just WHY Joshua walked in this level of faith, you will see in Joshua 1:8 that the Lord commanded Joshua to keep Gods Word in his lips day and night. And we know that Faith comes by HEARING and HEARING by the Word of God. So by Joshua saying Gods Word day and night, he grew and grew in faith until he had NO DOUBT that he could command the Sun and Moon to stop in the Sky and THEY WOULD OBEY HIM. Since God is no respecter of persons, if we keep Gods Word on our lips, our faith will as well grow to even greater than is necessary to command a mountain cast into the sea. . So the Lord would say to you: IF I was willing to stop the Sun and Moon in the Sky for Joshua, and to split the Red Sea for Moses, and Joshua and Moses were ONLY My Servants, since no one was born again until Jesus died and rose from the dead, HOW MUCH MORE WILLING do you think I am to do miracles on a scale beyond your imagination for My DEARLY LOVED CHILDREN? If I was willing to do huge miracles like you read about in the Book of Exodus and the Book of Joshua for people under the OLD COVENANT, HOW MUCH MORE do you think I am willing to do for My Dear Children who are under the FAR SUPERIOR NEW COVENANT that is sealed in the Blood of My Dear Son? . IT IS FOR THIS SEASON, the SEASON that My Church walks in ALL that I meant for her to walk in, that I have saved the BEST and LARGEST MIRACLES FOR LAST. Nations that have been CLOSED to the Gospel will see Miracles on a scale that the world has NEVER seen before, miracles that TESTIFY to the TRUTH of the Gospel. For the Gospel WILL BE PREACHED throughout the WHOLE EARTH before My Son Jesus returns. North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Mecca, and other hard nations will see My Power and know that Jesus is Lord, and that I sent Him to die for them. For the very places that the enemy thinks will never hear the Gospel, will see the Greatest Display of My Power, greater than the world has ever known. . My Son Jesus WILL BE GLORIFIED on a scale never seen on earth before, and through these miracles, My Bride will complete the Great Commission.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 05:14:39 +0000

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