NEPAL WILL BECOME STABLE, INCLUSIVE AND PROSPEROUS NATION SOON-INDIAN PM Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed the confidence that Nepal, rich in resources, talent and diversity, would quickly carve out its destiny as a stable, inclusive and prosperous nation that will be a source of pride for South Asia and an inspiration for others around the world. In a statement released following his return to New Delhi following a two-day visit of Nepal yesterday, Indian Prime Minister Modi has also expressed the belief that the visit has laid the foundation for a new relationship between the two countries, which will draw strength from the deep ancient links and prepare both the country to together address the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. Stating that he felt deeply honoured with the privilege to speak to the Members of the Constituent Assembly of Nepal, Mr Modi said that during his two-day visit he felt the strong urge for political stability and economic prosperity in everyone he met in Nepal. He has also said that he was looking forward to returning to Nepal in November and to the opportunity to visit other places and more so to a more sustained process of political engagement between India and Nepal. In the statement, he has thanked President Ram Baran Yadav, Prime Minister Sushil Koirala, the Government of Nepal, all the political parties, officials, security personnel and, above all, the people of Nepal for the extraordinary warmth and affection with which he was welcomed in Nepal. MINISTER PANDEY BRIEFS PARLIAMENT ABOUT MODIS VISIT Minister for Foreign Affairs Mahendra Bahadur Pandey today informed the Legislature-Parliament about the two-day official visit to Nepal by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. On the occasion, Minister Pandey said during the Indian PMs visit, both sides agreed to work in a cordial way for the interests of both countries. Indian Prime Ministers Nepal visit taken place with a hiatus of 17 years has been successful in consolidating the mutual ties, said the Foreign Minister. Indian PM Modis address in the Legislature-Parliament on Sunday was a historic one, he said. The parliament was also informed that India would provide the soft loan of one billion US dollars to Nepal, discuss in series about the border problems, and assist in tourism development, including religious sites as Pashupati, Lumbini and Barahachhetra. Similarly, the government informed the parliament that Nepal and India will review and update the 1950 Treaty of Peace and Friendship, direct the concerned bodies of both sides to manage border disputes, further strengthen the relations between the two countries and not to use the border against each other. SPEAKER DRAWS GOVERNMENT ATTENTION ON NATURAL DEISSTER CA Speaker Subas Chandra Nembang has drawn governments attention regarding the difficulties faced by the victims of flood and landslide taking place in different parts of the country. Taking time in todays meeting of the Legislature-Parliament, Speaker Nembang came up with the move after a majority of lawmakers voiced serious concern on the catastrophic situation triggered by flood and landslide in the country. Earlier today, lawmakers had drawn the governments attention through the Speaker towards the tragic and painful incidents occurring in different parts of the country including the landslide-triggered loss at Jure of Ramche VDC, Sidhupalchowk and Syabun in Sankhuwasava district. The Speaker also directed the government to keep the parliament informed regarding detail accounts of the loss caused by recent natural disaster and efforts being taken by the government to the victims. RIGHT PROCEDURE ADOPTED TO REGULATE THE CURRENT OF SUNKOSHI RIVER Search and rescue operations continues today as well at Jure in Sindhupalchowk, where a landslide swept away about 77 households on Saturday morning. The Indian technical team along with Tribhuvan University Prof Dr Ranjan Kumar Dahal and senior technicians from the Water-induced Calamity Control Department, Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Department of Mines and Geology had made an onsite inspection yesterday of the work being carried out the Nepali Army in Sindhupalchowk, according to NA Public Relations Directorate. The NA technical team is presently working to clear out water from the lake created as a result of the landslide on the Sunkoshi river, also considering the recommendations of the visiting technical team. The Army plans to work quickly to expand the water flow from the lake and resume the Kodari highway as soon as possible. However, the work at the ground is being carried out gradually in order to avert any possible damage downstream as a result of a sudden outburst of the lake, adds the statement. So far, 33 people have been confirmed dead in the landslide while many more are still missing and feared dead. Nepali Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police and locals are working on the ground to search for those trapped in the landslides. CIAA: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) today directed suspension of 14 high-ranking officials at Mid-Western University including five Deans to allow unobstructed investigation of charges they are leveled with. The CIAA said that it has found proofs of irregularities and corruptions at the varsity during building of physical infrastructures, appointments of lecturers and employees among others. The CIAA has recommended suspension of Pitamber Dhakal, Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences faculty, Dr Masta Bahadur Garamja of Management faculty, Dr Keshar Singh Rana of Science and Technology faculty, Prof. Ram Chandra Aryal of Engineering faculty, and Lalmani Acharya of Education Science faculty. Likewise, Accounts Controller Kamal KC, Assistant Administrator Gagan Singh Bohara, Deputy Professor Ganesh Bahadur Rawat, Inspection Officer Paras Ram Giri, Senior Assistants Ganesh Bahadur KC, Satyaa Thapa and Jivan Kumar Thapa, Personal Assistant of the Vice Chairman Sudhan Gauli and Engineer Mahesh Sharma have been recommended for suspension. The anti-graft body said that their suspension was sought as officials may interfere in investigation by destroying or influencing evidences against them, said CIAA Spokesperson Shreedhar Sapkota. CIAA DIRECTS SUSPENDING TWO STAFFS AT BIRATNAGAR CUSTOMS OFFICE The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has directed the Ministry of Finance to suspend two staffs working at the Customs Office, Biratnagar, charging them of committing financial irregularities. The anti-graft body has directed to suspend Customs Officer Shantiram Niraula, and Nayab Subba Rup Kumar Pokhrel at the Customs Office in Biratnagar for further investiation. The customs officials have been found evading the tax by making false evaluation of the goods imported through the office in collusion with the customs agents, and thereby encouraging corruption, CIAA has said in a press statement issued today. INDO-NEPAL RELATIONS IN FURTHER PINNACLE Minister for Information and Communications Dr Minendra Rijal has said the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modis visit to Nepal has further strengthened Nepal-India relations. Speaking at the Reporters Club in the capital today, Minister Rijal said the visit was fruitful and took Indo-Nepal relations to a new height. Mr Modis address to parliament, meeting with the President, the Prime Minister, political party leaders and industrialists was highly significant, Mr Rijal added. Minister Rijal pointed out the need of political commitment from all the parties to make Modis support and good wish for the infrastructure, tourism and hydropower development of the country. SLC SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM BEGINS The supplementary exams of the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) began across the country today. Students, who appeared in the recent SLC examinations and failed in a maximum of two subjects are allowed to attend the supplementary exams, according to the Office of the Controller of Examination, Sanothimi. A total of 234 examination centres and the same number of superintendents have been fixed for the examinations, said Bishnu Bahadur Dware, Examinations Controller at the Office, Sanothimi. As many as 54,392 students are sitting for the exams in one subject while 66,235 are appearing in two subjects. The supplementary exams run until August 12. FIVE LIMBUWAN PARTIES UNITED Different five parties which were active in the Limbuwan area have united today. The parties that decided to become one are Sanghiya Limbuwan State Council led by Kumar Lingden, Sanghiya Limbuwan State Council led by Sanjuhang Palunwa, Limbuwan Mukti Morcha led by Sanjbir Nembang, Sanghiya Democratic Party led by Kamal Chharanghang and Limbuwan Mukti Morcha led by Ram Bhakta Kuruwang. These parties decided to unite into one party after holding serious discussion at Bhedetar of Dhankuta district on Aug 3 and 4, Sanjuhang Paluhang said. The new name of the united party will be Sanghiya Limbuwan Party Nepal and it would be declared by organizing press meet this afternoon, he added. TWO KILLED, ONE INJURED IN ROAD MISHAP Two persons were killed and another injured in a road accident at Shivraj Municipality-1 Shivapur in the district this morning, police said. The accident took place when a jeep heading to the East from the West hit a tree on the roadside, said police inspector Santosh Roka. The deceased have been identified as Ujjawal Budha and Nimish Budha of Pathariya, Kailali while Rajesh Khadka of Salyan Chhayachhatra was injured in the incident. Similarly, other two persons were killed and five injured when a private car hit a scooter coming from the opposite direction at East-west highway in Rautahat district today. The deceased have been identified as Gopnarayan Thapa and Rachana Kumari Jargha of Sarlahi district. CHINESE PM KHACHHANG Chinese PM Li Khachang has expressed his heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved families who have lost their relatives and properties in Sindhupalchok landslide that occurred last Saturday. Sending a condolence letter to PM Sushil koirala on behalf of Government of China, Chinese Premier has expressed the belief that Nepalese Government and people would definitely conquer the disaster and rebuild homes destroyed by the landslide, and also assured that the Chinese Government is willing to render full support and every possible help for the disaster relief works undertaken by the Nepalese Government. CIAA RAIDS BIR SECOND TIME The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) today raided Bir Hospital, countrys oldest hospital, and seized some important documents. The anti-graft body carried out raids at the office of the hospital Director General Kedar Prasad Sentury and of the Account Chief Kedar Singh Deuja. The CIAA raided the hospital following widespread complaints of alleged irregularities there for a long time. This was the second time the CIAA raided the hospital and took important documents under control. During the study of those hospital papers seized earlier, the necessity of further investigation into the matter was realized and the hospital was raided twice, CIAA joint attorney Gita Prasad Timsina said. NEPAL-UK ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE DEVELOMENT British Ambassador to Nepal Andrew James Sparkes has said that his country is ready to extend cooperation for the socio-economic transformation of Nepal while terming the UK-Nepal relations as very cordial. At a discussion organized today by Nepal Chamber of Commerce, Ambassador Sparkes said Nepal has huge space for investment and tourism promotion is a key to the economic advancement of the country. Chamber Chairperson Rajesh Kaji Shrestha called on the Ambassador to encourage British investment in agriculture, hydropower, tourism, infrastructure development.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 02:00:05 +0000

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