NEVER ARGUE WITH A FOOL - For long I tried to resist discussing - TopicsExpress


NEVER ARGUE WITH A FOOL - For long I tried to resist discussing the certificate issue of General Muhammadu Buhari for one simple reason. It doesnt make sense to me to question the integrity of college certificates of a retired successful military General who retired with hardly a space for more badges of honor and whose career terminated with the office of Head of State, Commander-in-Chief of a complex nation like Nigeria. As if to prove the stuff hes made of, his regime is the second shortest and second best which, still, is being talked about with nostalgic appreciation 30 years after. I feel stupid - and so should anybody - to even contemplate defending an enigmatic fellow like General Buhari on flimsy and clearly non existent issue of college certificates even in a weird Nigeria situation where stupidity is a respected discipline. Im finally succumbing to the pressure not because I believe Im stupid but for the fact that to catch a fool, you have to act like one and, its easier to deal with idiots by idiocy rather than logic. Now to the gist. Lets be generously idiotic and assume General Muhammad Buhari never went to even the traditional almajiri school which many of the noodle stuffed heads propagating the odd and laughable Buhari certificate idea believe is the lowest yet, the only source of education to Buhari and his Northern folks, shouldnt we give it to Buhari for rising to the top of Nigerias political food chain through the instrumentality of an elitist military populated by the creme dela creme of the society. If anything, this issue is only proving the authenticity of many certificates of stupidity with which majority operators of the Nigerian system crept into the system. I dont believe anybody who passed through the process of a normal academic environment could be this stupid, and this proud to go public with it the way the proponents of the idea are singing it to global consternation. Believe it or not, the laugh is on you. Still on the stupidity contest, Nigeria will be the dumbest amalgamation of different colonies consisting of 170 million people to allow a poor boy from the nomadic fulani ethnic clan achieve the successes General Buhari achieved without the requisite academic background. Im left with no option than to admit, if Buhari is academically empty, Nigerians were collectively doubly empty for being led by them. Its left for research students to classify them for holding tight to the memories of his short stint as a leader and for their belief in his capacity to lift them out of the needless misery enforced on them by certificated leaders. In black and white, toying with the idea of challenging the integrity of General Buharis certificates at this point of his life and career its akin to denying Albert Einstein ever existed simply because one is stupid to comprehend his formula of relativity. In a normal community infectious stupidity like this is treated with the same seriousness plagues like Ebola are treated with because its just as destructive. By trying to bring down Buhari, some desperate fools are actually trying to bring down the whole house. What they are yet to realize is that - excuse them for this stupidity too - the house may fall but, BUHARI WILL REMAIN STANDING! Its a fact you have to deal with or simply spend the rest of your life searching for an energized transformer to hug to get out of your misery. TO NNAMDI - Watching people flowing out from all nooks and crannies of Kaduna like sugar ants attracted to a candy bar to welcome Muhammadu Buhari and give him a befitting reception and assurances of their votes, I kept wondering where you will get the 2 million votes you promised PDP. From what I saw in Kaduna city, you should be more worried about delivering your polling unit. Truly, sir, only after the visit I understood the source of your political sons swift transformation from a Governor to something less than a motor park tout in language and ethics.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 09:02:52 +0000

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