NIGERIA DEMOCRACY DEFINATION OF TERMS: Democracy means government of the people rule by the people and for the people means grassroot government where every people should have a saying and live peacfully. Nigeria democracy is government by the rich rule by rich people and for the rich alone. Grassroot are no saying people are die of hunger people are suffering in towns people are crying inwardly and poor people are dying daily. Nigeria democracy as turned to another thing infact people are enslave by there leader the ruling power are endanger to their subordinate still they like to die there without any success being achieved. Government that can not boast of economic development rather impovernized its citizen with privitalization should get away. Time is now that Nigeria youth should stand up against bad leaders if they want to have a tommorrow. Rich men will continue runin this nation if care is not taking. INEC should be an indepentent body government should not be in control of INEC: Rigstration money from an asspirant canidate into any position in Nigeria is enough to a budget of another conutry where are we ending to.................
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 01:09:03 +0000

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