NIGERIAN CHURCH????? In the years gone by christians used to be - TopicsExpress


NIGERIAN CHURCH????? In the years gone by christians used to be the CHANPIONS of humanitarianism. They started the huspital when the world around them had non. Public schools also were started by the Christians, because at the core of the GOSPEL they preached was the total care for the whole man! Spirit soul and body. Therefore what used to be the exclusve reserve for the RICH - education,health care,social justice,social status - the Church made it a universal franchise. Today‘s church - Nigerian church in particular, with a collective income of three trillion Naira, almost the national budget. With over emphasis on giving and seed sowing, a penchant for show and ostentatious extravaganza,it is finally appearing to be just for selfish ends. It seems the Nigerian church much like the govt have become encumbered by very many ills: greed,glutony worldy pursit just a few.(the reasone why corruption remains endemic) The mega churches with their pastors have dabbled into many tinz that her primary popurse is remarkably jettisoned. What an ample apportunity to shine by laoding those convoy of private jets with relief materials for the vitims of mubi invassion. How wonderfull would it have been to hold an interdenominational service with all the bishops,papas in attendance in yola where the refugees are sleeping on the streets. What relief,succur and comfort would it have brought for a people who have by now been in the jaws of terror unprotected by thier govt. But i know it is more lucrative to travel in the company of a president to pray at the western wall in JERUSALEM,than to fly to yola and pray for those with nothing to offer but tears and tears and tears!!! At this ponit in time it trully feels shamefull and painfull being a Cristian in NIGERIA. So exposed to denger for ones believe yet confronted with leaders that dont see beyond their nose unwilling to sacrifice the slightest comfort. Void of LOVE,TRNDER CARE AND COMPASSION resembling more the pharissee than the good samarithan on the road to damascus.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 21:14:37 +0000

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