NIGGERS... How the Word Nigger came to - TopicsExpress


NIGGERS... How the Word Nigger came to be, the Truth... Nigger is a Good Word... By Professor Dr. Red N. Son, Historian PH. D. I went back 100s of years investigating African history and its People and this is some of what I came up with. In Africa, most all of the people lived in Tribes and in these Tribes there was a pecking order. Just like in the animal world it was the survival of the fittest. You can basically sum the Ten Commandments up in Six Words they are We shall not be an Animal! The main problem is the Blacks dont understand that, Yet, but would one Day! That is only One Rule and in the Old Testament they had One more, so we could get by with just 2 Rules, oh what’s the other rule, why it’s simple an Eye for and Eye right now, or as soon as possible. Example - you steel from me I cut you Hands off, right now, very efficient and effective. No Judge no Jury. I dont believe in Laws or Rules, because the more Laws and Rules we make the more Rule Breakers we Create. Take a Look at the IRS Tax Code only 9,000,000 Words, you reckon any one person knows what all those Rules are. That‘s more words than 7 or 8 Bibles. Just think how much money we could save the American Tax payers if we did away with the IRS and did a National Sales Tax of say 10% to 14% of the GNP and the Government would have to pay it too. Think of how many Federal Employees we could get rid of. Let the States handle the collection of the Monies. We are already Duplicating that job any way, and the States get a Percentage of Collections. Pay off the national Debt and save Social Security at the same time. Now the Leader or Chief was normally the Smartest, Wisest, the Biggest, Strongest, Best looking and the Stallion of the Tribe, a real mean Bastard, takes no Crap off anyone. He had his choice of any or all woman and if she gave him a son she was rewarded. The pecking order went down from the Alpha Leader down to the ones with attitudes and were undesirables, they were not wanted by any Tribal Leader or member of the Tribe, they were purged to get rid of something undesirable, impure, or imperfect. They were called nu-gro’s by the Chief and Tribe members. Most Slave Pirates were Muslims, like Black Beard the most Notorious of the day, he traded mostly in the Mediterranean sea in Muslim Country, there are many Nigger slaves owned by the Muslims today. Obama is a Muslim. The Leader of the Tribe would Trade with the English, French and Spanish Trading Ships but mainly Black Beard when they would come by, they would Barter for them to remove the nu-gro’s with the Goods the Tdribes had such as the Jewels, Gold, Silver, Crafts, a night with a 12 to 14 year old Virgin and whatever else the Tribes had to Trade, therefore removing the nu-gro’s from the Tribe that did not want them. The Trading Ships in the 1700s were coming to the new America for trading Purposes, Buying, Selling and Trading. They keep hearing the Plantation Owners in the South East saying the native Americans were not good workers, because they had rather Hunt, Fish, Drink Fire Water that Trading Ships brought to sale the Native Americans. Lay with the Squaws and Drink the Fire Water. The Plantation Owners ask the Trade Ship Captains to see if they could find and bring them some Good Strong Help with Families. They said they would look around and see, but the plantation Owners would have to pay their transportation, which they agreed to do. The Trade Ship Captains started asking the Tribe Leaders in Africa if they had any Big Strong Bucks with Families that would like to go to America to work at a job with good benefits, such as Sharecropping, Food to Eat Everyday, New cloths, Free Medical Care and a House with a Roof over their head, but Long Hours of work. Tribe Leaders said they would see and to stop by on the next trip, the Captain said the Tribal Leader would have to pay the Transportation Fee, thats called Double Dipping in Washington or a Lawyers Office. The Tribal Leader went to Elders and told them what the Ships Capitan had told him and also told them it would be a good way to cull, to remove those they did not want, and give the problem Tribes men and woman, that were worthless to some other unfortunate souls and then they would be someone else‘s problem. The elders agreed with the Tribal Leader and said let it be done. The ones with Attitudes and Undesirables, that were not wanted and Purged by the Tribes. So when the Trading Ships returned they had all their Culls ready to be move on to the Ships along with their Families. The Tribal Leaders Paid the Captains the Passage Fees. The Tribal Leader and Elders felt good about the Culls being gone and the Tribes Prospered and life was good. When the Trading Boats got to the Southern Colonies in the New America with their Cargo, they had sent word ahead that they were coming with good strong help for the Plantations Owners. There were a large Group of Plantation Owners at the Docks waiting for the cargo. The Governor of the Colony saw a chance to make some Monies for the Colony. He decided there would be an Auction for each new family of workers. The highest bidder would get the family and pay the cost for Shipping the family to the New America and the Governor would take his cut off of the top of the Bidding, times dont change much do they. The Africa People were given an option of signing an agreement to work long enough to pay off their passage cost or getting back on the ship and sailing for Ports unknown. If they would signed the agreement they would get a Home with a roof over their heads, 25 acres to Share Croup with 75% of the profits going to the Owner and 25% going to the worker. Seeing that the Plantation Owner was furnishing all the Land, Tools, Seeds and all that was required to bring in the crop, Clothing, Food for the table and Health Care for free, they had a better life and a job to sustain themselves now. The Plantations Owners Wife would look over the new young females to see which ones she could use at the Massive Plantation House. She would make certain that these Young Beauties were keep away from the Owner and her Sons. Abraham Lincoln had Several Black Female so called Slaves as Concubines, and they even had his Children, that he keep in the out houses for his private use. Which was watched over by his several armed Eunuch Gate Keepers for protection from roaming Stallions like Poachers and Pokers of his Prized Concubines. Once their debt was paid off they were free to go and do their own thing. Do you know that those that paid off the Plantation Owner, decided to stay there and work at their job and sharecrop, because they had no place to go. Some would venture out on their own, but were never tobe seen again. 90% of the Plantation Owners were really good people and treated the workers as Family and took really good care of them the whole time they were there. They had no intention to harm or hurt their workers. Sure some of the so called black workers were trouble makers and they has to reprimanded. These workers were sometimes sold to other Owners, just to get rid of them as their Tribal Leaders and Elders had done. As a whole 90 to 95 % the Workers on the Plantations were Happy and Glad to have a Roof over their Heads, Food, New Clothing Materials for their Woman to make Cloths, Food on the Tables, a Piece of Land to Sharecrop on, and some Money in their Pockets. There would sing Proud and Happy Songs in the Cool of the Evenings after a day of work in the Fields, the only sad or miserly songs were written by their Ancestors a 100 of years later in Northern Minstrel Black Music. The Southerners did not start the Civil War, they may have fired on Fort Sumter first, but it was in self-defense, that tore this country apart, nor did the Plantation Workers did not start the War, they were pretty much Happy except that 5 to 10% that were Lazy, did not want to be told what to do, with an Attitude and uncontrollable. 5% or 10% of Plantation workers did not start a War. Who started the war were the White people who were jealous of what others (Democrats) had and started creating problems for everybody. The South got tired of hearing all the trash and garbage that was being said about the South. The South decided that they would be much better off to live by themselves. The North depended on the South for so much, they knew they could not make it by themselves without the South’s Good and Services. The Emancipation Proclamation did not start the War its just a piece of paper. Thats like saying Guns kill people - when I took English in High School and had a spelling Test and misspelled most of the Words, that would be like me telling my English teacher I did not misspell those words it was my Pencil that misspelled them. No Gun has ever got up and killed anyone and never will People Kill People, Dumb Asss. So if you got any Smarts at all, you got it all figured out by now. After Fort Sumter was fired on Old Abe Lincoln could do nothing but answer because of what he had promise to do and the Emancipation Proclamation Law he had passed to Save Face! If the South had been a little smarter, because they made a few tactical errors or they would have run all over the North, this was a Shouda, Woulda, Coulda, Oughta situation that lost the War not a great General or President, just stupid decisions by the South. So you know where you have been and what dews you have paid and will continue to pay in the Future. Nigger came from the African the word “nu-gro” Black Beard could not pronounce it so he said Nigger and it stuck. Niggers then started themselves Niggers. My family at one time had a Plantation in Georgia, 40,000 acres of Cotton, 15,000 acres of Roe Crops and 3,500 Black Angus Cow’s. I would work in the cotton field with a Nigger (not slaves just farm hands, this was a 100 years latter) on both sides of me and we would pick cotton together. Then we would go play ball. So Nigger is not a bad word, is not raciest, and nothing derogatory. I heard Jesse Jackson tell another one of his friends, he said talking about Oboma, “That God Damn Nigger needs his Nut’s cut out”, I swear I have the video of it. So Nigger is a very good word, the blacks call themselves Nigger, they call me worse names than that. Thank You, Red
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 20:19:05 +0000

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