NO --- SELF PUNISHMENT NECESSARY Believers growing in Christ do - TopicsExpress


NO --- SELF PUNISHMENT NECESSARY Believers growing in Christ do not want to punish them self;they want to move on in to god"s provision for their lives.if this gospel had been preached,most believers would not have persisted in sins of the flesh. most believers today do not have the gospel of Paul, which is the only gospel that helps the born again believer live the Christ-life. if they had the final gospel, it would set them free. loving believers will not persist in any sin daily.if any one puts his trust in god and know the truth, the truth will set him free.yet they are those who persist in sins of the flesh and do not get their deliverance by simple asking god to forgive them. however, if they love Christ more then they love themselves, if they know they are already over-comers by their birthing, they will not have to punish themselves. what stops sins of the flesh? look at I john 5 if we love Him, that stops it.if we know we are over comers, that stops it. if we know whoever is born of god cannot commit a sin unto death,that stops a believer from continuing in sins of the flesh. if i do not under stands these things, then i persecute my self by continuing by sin and punishing my self. however if i know i can not commit a sin that separates me from god, then am going to rule over my flesh if that gospel is preached and man understands it, he will stop his sins of the flesh and growing his love for god. he will know that he stands before god as a true offspring, and he does not have to do anything willful of his own in the flesh to be who he is. it is really simple. do you know why we commit sins of the flesh? it is because we do not know who we are. it essentially is a matter of our identity. samson polepaka evangilist rockministriesinternational
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 06:06:36 +0000

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