NO DEFEAT BY Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah Praise and thanks - TopicsExpress


NO DEFEAT BY Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah Praise and thanks be to the almighty God for His goodness and His kindness and for the things that He is doing in this time, I really appreciate it. We give glory and honour to God! We thank God and we thank God for where He has put us and where He is about to put us. I believe God will definitely not leave you in the middle of the sea but will definitely see you through. Amen! I want to talk on the topic, no defeat. Tell somebody ‘’no defeat’’, praise the name of the Lord. This tells me that there’s nothing like demon, This tells me that no trouble This tells me that no problem This tells me that no pain This tells me that no difficulties This tells me that no challenges This tells me that no sorrow, because I’m talking about no defeat, tell somebody that no defeat. The bible says that greater is He who is in you! Greater is He that is in you! Than that which is in the world, so if I see myself and turn around, all I see is Jesus. Somebody listening to the sound of my voice put your hands together for the glory of God! Because the bible says no poverty, Because the bibles says no sickness- for it says let the sick say I am healed, let them say I’m healed. Let the poor say I’m rich, meaning there is no poverty. With God all things are possible! With God all things are possible! With God all things are possible! My God! My God! My God! He says everything shall pass away but my word will never ever pass away. Mt 24:25 says a righteous shall fall seven times and will come back alive again. If you are righteous, you cannot fall, there is no way you will fall, no suffering! No defeat! Meaning it does not matter what you are going through, it does not matter what the devil has put before you, let me assure you that there is nobody who is righteous and faithful to god in the bible that has been defeated. Paul was not defeated Matthew was not defeated Isaiah was not defeated Jesus was not defeated Mary Magdalene was not defeated Job was not defeated Abraham was not defeated. even though they have passed through tough times, even though Meshach, Shadrack and Abednego was put into fire, the bible says there was a third person who joined them and that not even the tip of their hair was burnt neither did they even smell like smoke. With God no defeat! Are you on the side of God? I prophesy today and say NO DEFEAT in your life! Today you are going through fire it doesn’t matter. Some of you, your problem is you have no money, it doesn’t matter. Some of you; your problem is you have no husband, it doesn’t matter. You have no certain things in your life, it doesn’t matter. You are going through some things, it doesn’t matter. No one is coming to your shop, it doesn’t matter. The bible says that people have been in even worse situation than yours and they have still come out alive. Tell somebody ‘’no defeat’’ Tell the devil ‘’no defeat’’ Tell your sickness ‘’no defeat’’ Tell poverty ‘’no defeat’’ Tell your problems ‘’no defeat’’ Somebody shout and say ‘’no defeat’’ Somebody shout and say ‘’devil! Devil! Devil! You can’t touch my money! You can’t touch my body! You can’t bribe me! You been defeated! You have been defeated! I see you no more! I see you no more! The bible says, my enemies, my giants, my problems, I will see them no more!’’ Shout and say ‘’no more!’’ help me say no more! No more of that problem, no more sickness, no more pain, no more! Because my bible tells me that Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego, even in fire where there is pain they breakthrough. The bible says the just shall live by faith: It doesn’t matter what someday have said; It does not matter what president have said; It does not matter what America have said; It does not matter what Togo is saying; It does not matter what Brazil is saying; It does not matter what your father is saying; It does not matter what your doctor have said; It does not matter what your pastor have said; It does not matter what your friends are saying; It does not matter what your nephews are saying; It does not matter what your mother is saying; It does not matter what the colleagues around you are saying; It does not matter what you are going through; It does not matter your condition; What matters, is you having the word of God in you and your life will never be the same. Paul and co had that word in them. Today! I pray that you keep that word in your heart and head and use it always; the word of God is always at your convenient, declare it in your life. For the bible says as your mouth declares so shall it be. Today, I see you as a winner, today I see you winning. You are a winner! Winner! Winner! Today I declare upon you, you are a winner! You are a winner! No defeater! No crying! No weeping! No accident! No sickness! If you see yourself that way, it is going to be so! When you feel that way it makes it seem as if God is not there. That gap in your life, Jesus has occupied it! Jesus has occupied that gap in your life! This time, Jesus will stand in for you. Why don’t you fight your own fight? Why don’t you fight your own fight? God is standing behind you. In the book of Isaiah 26:4, the bible says ‘’trust ye in the Lord…’’ and He will never let you down, and He will never leave you nor forsake you. This the word, Daniel said to the people, even though you see no one around me… *sings ‘I have loving man whose name is Jesus whom I treasure a lot’’. Put your hands together for Jesus! I am telling you that there’s no defeat! No defeat! Lift your hands up and say ‘’no defeat!’’ If you are a Christian, if you say you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour, the first number one is no one can defeat you. From Genesis to revelation, there’s nowhere in the bible that says somebody served God and was defeated. From Genesis to Revelation, nowhere in the bible tells me that Hannah was defeated. Other prophets and men of God in the bible, they knew no defeat. All they knew was victory! All they encountered was victory! Victory! Victory! All I know is victory! I don’t want to hear any defeat; I don’t want to hear of any misery. I only want to hear words that will exalt me, words of encouragements, words of hope, words of assurance, and I can only find these in the word of God! Proverb 3, I can trust in the Lord, if you trust the Lord, it means you acknowledge Him. You must acknowledge Him, tell somebody ‘’acknowledge Him’’ and He the Lord will let all your wishes come to pass. Wave your hands and say ‘amen’’! With all understanding, not your understanding, not my understanding, not the man of God understanding, not some Christian understanding, not your doctor’s understanding, not worldly understanding, but the understanding that is of God! If you apply it, you will see that no one defeats you. This morning I was driving to a place and I felt the presence of the spirit so I began to speak in tongues *speaks in tongues Understanding is not from me, Gaining the result is not from me but from God. If you are going to do something you need to ask God. If you do something without asking God that is when you fear and wouldn’t be able to do it well and that is the place you get defeated. So I asked God that ‘’God, what should be the preparation for my going’’ even though I am not a careless person I still said ‘’spirit of the living God, I am listening to you to guide my ways for the glory of God’’ and the Lord said ‘’there is going to be one or two problems on the way but you know that I’m there with you and nothing, absolutely nothing is going to happen to you’’. That is why I’m telling you there is no problem, in God and with God there is absolutely no problem. So from there, the spirit of God showed me at that time what to do by giving me a direction. At first I wanted to do my own thing but He said ‘’listen to me’’ so I did so. You know what? On my way going, what the Lord had said to me came to pass. One lesson I learnt was, we have no idea about how to go about things but the Lord does. ‘’today, go with this word and tell my children in power life prophetic ministries that no defeat’’ If you say no one will defeat you then no one will defeat you. What I am saying is what I have been through. He says ‘’if my people will wait before me, I will let them cry without any pain’’. Even though you don’t have but God has. That is why Jesus came, He has come to replace your pain, he came to replace your sadness, He came to replace your sickness, the bible says by His wound we were healed. Somebody shout he has brought it! Last time I was saying that God is my ready cash, God is my ready cash! Somebody say ‘’God is my ready cash’’. Who provides for you, is it God? If it’s God then shout and say amen! Praise the name of the Lord! Proverb 3:5 says trust in the Lord with all your heart; we must love Lord with all of our heart. We must put your trust in the Lord. Everything we do shouldn’t be of our own judgment because if you do things your way, you will be defeated. During the time of Daniel, everyone in that city was saying ‘’there is a lion in the lion’s den’’ ‘’I don’t believe Daniel will be in this den and come back alive’’ It came on papers, if there were TVs and radios, I’m sure it would have been on. The news about Daniel in the lion’s den spread throughout the country. The God of Daniel is a victorious God. But before it will come, the enemy said, they sent forth a word. Sons of God listen to me very carefully, believers listen to me, the first word that will come to you is not a word from God but the second word that will come is from God. The bible says, the first word that came to people was from the devil. The first word that came to Judas was from the devil. Always the first word is not from God. It doesn’t matter how you take this message, I cannot say what suits your spirit but what the Holy Spirit has inspired me to say. Peter said something and the first words that came out from Peter’s mouth were rebuked by Jesus because they were the words of the devil. Shout on the devil ‘’you can’t stop me on the way, you pretend as if you are not in my way, but I see you and with Christ on my behalf I say you there no more! You are not there! You are not there! Because you have been defeated by Christ, now I have defeated you and now, I know no defeat’’. Victory is yours! RUN FOR YOUR SALVATION NOW!!!!!!!! Say this prayer; ‘’Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross to take away my sins. I am sorry for all the wrong things I have done. I ask you to please come into my heart and live in my heart forever. I am trusting you right now to make my heart clean and I take you to be my very own Lord and Saviour in Jesus’ name, Amen. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! YOU ARE A BELIEVER NOW! Power Life Prophetic Ministries Post Office Box Dc 936 Dansoman Market, Accra. Ghana, West Africa. Website: jesusfm921 Email:powerlifepropheticministries@yahoo
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 18:53:51 +0000

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