NO LONGER BUSINESS AS USUAL IN BUDALANGI POLITICAL ARENA ========================================================= 1..............but given the outcry at home as a result of his development record and the Cord apex political scheming,can he (Ababu) survive a ................. to 2017 ?.........What he has only done is to light paper-fire which can not even warm water leave alone cook ugali. Jaredjoram Wangira .................................................................................................. 2. Tom Japanni ...that the person we elected is not genuine. He can call it politics but we all know is a stooge. The time for political martyrs is over! If someone is man enough let them do what Raila did in Kibera in 97 resign and seek re election on your masters party - URP. Dont mess with this constitution! It has no space for flip flopers. ............................................................. 3. Ininginingi Odumo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,What I can therefore conclude is that whereas Ababu represents Budalangi in Parliament, he is not representing majority views of Abanyala on referendum debate. He can jump ship and Budalangis next mp will still be from Odm. ........................................................................................................... 4. ....... some leaders play innocent cards on top of the table, meanwhile they hold the dangerous cards under the table waiting to unleash on the other at the endgame. Khassogo Owa Namwamba ........................................................................................... 5. Baba Orada .......... The referundum will tell us if he decides to lead the no campaign in budalangi. I am certain yes will carry the day by far. And since we are talking of morality, if vanquished then his moral authority will be to resign and seek a mandate with a coalition of his choice. ....................................................................................................... 6. Fred Musirwa Wa Kwete Having been in Bunyala for the past few days, i have noticed that no independent minded person other than coat hangers is still in support of the incumbent mp, which leaves me with more questions than answers in refference to his current political manouvers,...... ............................................................................................................. 7. Bernard Abwoga ....... Ababu is not married nor jailed in ODM party, let him leave peacefully and go wherever he feels his style of politics is valued, but first he needs to do the honorable thing resign and seek fresh mandate from his constituents, otherwise the tantrums he is throwing will just be that. ..................................................................................................... 8.#Francis Maloba....Hon. Ababu should be man enough - resign and seek fresh mandate on a party whose leadership has moral authority hes making noise about. ........ He also has no moral authority to lecture us on anything - his many false promises including provision of piped water in Bunyala are still fresh in our minds... .......................................................................................................
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 07:08:22 +0000

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