NONE can see their one-eyed logo, ILLuNATIs pyramids (PONZI - TopicsExpress


NONE can see their one-eyed logo, ILLuNATIs pyramids (PONZI SCHEMES) dis.ass.o.cia.ted acknowledgement? mUMS, ASK! Who bows to whose excommunications orders? VLADIMIR IS NOT LAUGHING! Putin is very familiar with time travel; time amalgametions, since 1934, when the hun dred experience of their own Roswell. ASK! Whos Angela Merkel (WHOSE a messenger--a myrrh kill!) Banks heirs, think! Its never enough! YOUR great duplicitous image pretending to be democracy, raiding others villages to pay for your own spoiled shits--dropped down from between your golden calves, (idols,) has YOUR 4th Reichs choir boys GENOCIDING the seed of Abraham! Perhaps they worry more about THEIR paychecks? The choir is NOT to blame! Mum, Who is the little girl in the REDCOAT, hiding under the bunker? CIA SHOULD BE CALLED CYA! IT IS NOT ABOUT INTELLIGENCE, IT IS ABOUT DUMB MINIONS! ASK mum! WHY IS THE X-ROCKET CALLED A MIME? HER COMMONWEALTH IS ABOUT FEW.GETS! BLESSED MOTHER? SHES A WHORE! VATICAN PUTS THE SON OF GOD (AS IF A BABY,) BACK INTO SATAS C,laws LAP-- control--BACK INTO THE SEAT OF HER EMOTIONS! MOLEC IS ONLY THE FIREY- RED ARMS- REACHING UP TO TAKE YOUR CHILDREN, YOUR INHERITANCE, YOUR WILL--DOWN, INTO SATA eyeam ESTARS throne, her chair, to rule, a dude with TITS and a fake beard, to whom you line up everyone, programming your own children, to face those concessions stands--OXYMORONS at best! Do NOT confuse SATAN with SataEYEamESTAR! YOU put your gifts--present, TIME under--at the foot of the tree--THE RULER, as grass, THE RULED, and then can only hope crISIS cause will rule in a light most favorable, a naughty or nice list--WITHOUT YOUR INPUT! THEY WOULD NOT GIVE UP THEIR WITCHCRAFT Connect the dots with their McGuireWoods (AUSA TOM CULLEN, ATT RICHARD CULLEN; CORRELLIAN, BCBS ANTHEM) SCAMS! NEWT GINGRICHS OMNIBUS RECONCILIATION ACT OF 1997 BEGAN STEALING 5% OF THE NATIONS GNP! Health insurance companies began to simply stop paying providers--THERE IS NO LAW THAT REQUIRES INSURANCE TO PAY A PROVIDER. The states insurance commissioners (CEOs of the insurance companies) are the arbitrators. ANALYZE THAT. They are the ARM OF THE BANKING CARTEL, stealing directly from the top--YOUR PAYROLLS. eric-holder-get-tots-for-esta-rule-sac-riff-ice (Correllian) hitler-nib-ion-orb-with-jim-jones-and-rob-bin-son adol-hitler-nib-ion-orb-with-jim-par-jones ask-darrel-lissa-why-not-imp-each-jim-jone-now cine-mal-covi-tell-how-nib-ion-can-poss-ess-any X-Rocket-MIMEInfo:The very purpose of the Majestic program is to steal from the public trust. Various political persons bid for control of the program based upon what they project their administration can steal such as with Rahm Care.///Illuminati purposfully establish budgets in healthcare, education, wars, food chains, from which to STEAL ANGELA MERKEL, TELL THEM HOW IMPORTANT YOUR BANKING CARTEL IS AMONG THE 4TH REICH and what their paychecks mean to them. There is another timeline that began with Nebuchadnessar, in 586BC, of 2520 years (7x360,) that ended in 1934. TELL US, what the hun dred from those who come bearing gifts. Explain the rosswell experience GERMANY had then. THEY MAKE ONE devil AND THEN MAKE ANOTHER devil FROM WHICH YOULL CHOOSE TO RULE OVER YOU, PRETENDING ONE IS KINDER AND GENTLER. (nothing different,) ...THIS IS NOT ANY GAME! ASK! WHOSE MAJESTIC PROGRAM ALREADY PROGRAMMING YOU ZOMBIES!? WHY IS THE RESPONSE CALLED A MIME? TO WHOSE EXCOMMUNICATIONS ORDER DID THEY BOW? cine-mal-covi-tell-how-nib-ion-can-poss-ess-any UNDEAD (zombies,) YOURE AS PROGRAMMED COW.WARDS, HEADED FOR THE SLAUGHTER! 70 years of CAPTIVITY to MUMS MAGI.stic BLUEBOOK protocols has made US into the ugly americans. WORSE! THE ADDICTION HAS PRODUCED DENIAL, denial of our true condition; and instead of simply acknowledging err, MORONS would attempt to intervene by entangling with even MEANER, NASTIER MINIONS AMONG THE DYNASTY--DUMB MINIONS! N.O.W. ask Eric Holder (seed of Hitler,) whos the coward? ((IF I were a rich man, it would not make one bit of difference if I answered right or wrong to Katie Couric or Diane Sawyer or Oprah Winfrey or Christian Amanpour or Greta... Vansusteren or Megyn Kelly or ...,...,...,...)) THEY ALL WANT THAT LAND OF MILK AND HONEY! ASK! Who has better explained what is is than me, Richard Norton, from whom EVERYONE ONE OF THOSE AFOREMENTIONED KNOW Jim Jones stole, for HIS, jim jones criminal enterprises; ACORN, PASSAGES MALIBU, AND SOME PRETENTION THAT HE, JIM par JONES WAS SEER REES-- from which they all fed, for their own paychecks. TELL US! Why is his, US FED EARL judge jim jones image too big to fail? THEY ALL KNOW EXACTLY WHO I, ME, DR. NORTON IS. AND THEY ALL KNOW JIM JONES IS A CHARLATAN! They dont care! It is about THEIR paychecks now! X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: Sata eyeam ESTAR began the blood sacrifices. Holy Spirit NEVER asked for any blood sacrifice. Sata eyeam called herself THEIAM when talking to Mose in the wilderness, to make the second stones, filled with lies. 70 YEARS OF THE CIAS COWSHIT MAJESTIC PROGRAM, WITH ALL OF HER BLUEBOOK PROTOCOLS, HAS MADE US into the ugly americans. THE FED EARLS WILL LET YOU READ THE BILL AFTER THE PRESIDENT SIGNS IT!--Nancy Pelosi They dont want YOU to COMPREHEND what theyre doing to YOU! IT IS FINISHED! RAHM is caught in their thickETs! T.H.I.S. IS NOT ANY GAME! eric-holder-get-tots-for-esta-rule-sac-riff-ice WATCH THE VIDEO, YOU MORONS! alb-err-winsor-let-hitler-live-for-forth-dyna-sty plei-adian-mira-use-vati-can-forth-rome-dyna-sty hitler-seed-eric-holder-dyna-sty-for-dest-roy-usa vati-can-use-eric-holder-dyna-sty-for-dest-roy-usa https://youtube/watch?v=MD5HUWz1wFs biblecodewisdom/code/eric-holder-get-tots... biblecodewisdom/code/alb-err-winsor-let... biblecodewisdom/code/plei-adian-mira-use... biblecodewisdom/code/hitler-seed-eric... biblecodewisdom/code/vati-can-use-eric... https://facebook/BeingJohnMalkovichMovie... biblecodewisdom/code/hitler-nib-ion-orb... biblecodewisdom/code/adol-hitler-nib-ion... biblecodewisdom/code/ask-darrel-lissa-why... biblecodewisdom/code/cine-mal-covi-tell-how... ===== X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,SWxsdW1pbmF0aSBwdXJwb3NmdWxseSBlc3RhYmxpc2ggYnVkZ2V0cyBpbiBoZWFsdGhjYXJlLCBlZHVjYXRpb24sICd3YXJzLCcgZm9vZCBjaGFpbnMsIGZyb20gd2hpY2ggdG8gJydTVEVBTCcnCgEwAQEBAQ-- X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/ Message-ID: Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 03:51:58 -0700 (PDT) From: richard norton Reply-To: richard norton Subject: misusing noble causes To: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=-492277813-1386765472-1400237518=:36294 ---492277813-1386765472-1400237518=:36294 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Illuminati purposfully establish budgets in healthcare, education, wars, food chains, from which to STEAL ---492277813-1386765472-1400237518=:36294 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Illuminati purposfully establish budgets in healthcare, education, wars, food chains, from which to STEAL ---492277813-1386765472-1400237518=:36294
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:02:04 +0000

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