NOON LIONS HEAR ABOUT DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Kelsey Wagner, Administrative Coordinator for the local Red Cross, was the speaker at the last Ponca City Noon Lions Club meeting. Her topic was being ready for disasters. The three main things in readiness are: get a Kit, make a Plan and be Informed. Ms. Wagner passed out sheets discussing these areas. A Kit for disaster can contain many things, but the most important are potable water (suggested 1-week supply at one gallon per person per day) and non-perishable food (suggested 3-days supply of high protein material such as granola and nuts). Other things to consider are a first aid kit, blankets, ponchos, flashlights and batteries, etc. Families should have a Plan for disaster including meeting places, responsibilities, contacts and what to do if evacuation is required. A bug out bag is a good idea if which might contain toiletries, medications, copies of documents, etc. if you have to leave your house. Being Informed can take many forms such as knowing the warning signs (sirens, etc.). Important in Ponca City because of the refinery is sheltering in place where you close up and remain in your residence in certain circumstances. A Red Cross Ready questionnaire/test resulted in much education and some humor. The correct answers sometimes differed from generally accepted lore. for example, the recommendation now is to stay indoors -- not rush outdoors -- in an earthquake. Vice-President Mark Southard presided at the lunch meeting held at the Ponca City Country Club on March 12th. Jim Scott and Bill Carmichael were greeters and the Invocation was given by Brice Chism. Lyn Boyer led the singing, accompanied on the piano by Kay Anthony . Claire Scott recorded attendance and took meal payments. The Lions will provide a trailer for screening at the Ponca City Health Fair to be held at Hutchins Memorial from 5 to 7 pm on the evening of April 24. The Noon Lions are studying whether to buy (and how to finance) a special camera to spot eye problems on very young children. Presently the club rents such a camera and operator when screening is done. The club is starting trial meetings for cubs to see if there is interest in an organization for kids younger than Teen-age LEOS. The club has collected 1703 used eyeglasses and 265 cell phones for recycle/reuse since t July 1st -- the start of the fiscal year. The next meeting will be on Wednesday noon March 19th, at the Ponca City Country Club. For information about the Noon Lions, call Jim Kelly 716-3273 or Rick Coffelt at 763-3273.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:54:22 +0000

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