NOTE ABOUT THE STAR WARS: EPISODE VII OPEN CALLS: The first meet-and-greet was in Minnesota, but no one knew it was for Star Wars, just Major Walt Disney Pictures film lead roles. I was the first person in the world to post anything about it because the casting director, Maryellen Aviano, personally sent me the info. Even before the video upload site went live. I promoted the hell out of that first call because it was only several days notice before that first call in Minnesota. It was a small turnout and Maryellen was just sitting there waiting for people to trickle in towards the later part of the day. People should take my posts more seriously because you never know what the project is for. That would have been a great one to attend. But once word got out that it was for Star Wars and everything went viral (with every website but mine, which was the first to post ANYTHING about this project, meet-and-greets, and video upload site) the turnouts have been insane. Oh, well.... just some food for thought people. Maybe check my sites and take the posts seriously. Here is one persons experience in Nashville today... Hey Alan, Just thought I’d fill you in on the Nashville event. I got there around 8am and was between the 350-400th person to get in. They started early around 10:30am. I was out a little after noon, by which time the line was probably about 2000-3000 people wrapping around the hotel and into a public square across the street, with police managing the line direction, crowd control, and cross walks. Maryellen gave everyone about 20-30 seconds where she didn’t really talk to you, but kind of glanced at your resume and then told you to apply through the online system and mention in the video that you attended the Nashville meet and greet (I would assume so that they can match your performance to your resume). Her assistant, Jessica, seemed to be much more inclined to talk to you and ask about your resume items, and she too was pushing the online audition submission. I didn’t see a single person have anything handed to them, so I would assume they weren’t having any callbacks, even though I read the UK auditions did have some people receive callbacks to return the following day. People without resumes and head shots didn’t even get to meet her one-on-one, she talked to them in groups about the importance of the online audition and how to do it, then sent them home. Thanks again for looking over my resume/headshot, I am glad I printed one out to give her!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 01:26:29 +0000

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